12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Ксения С.29

Nothing but usual

Класс: 5

Цель урока: отработать на практике применение конструкции There is/ are

1. Good morning. Let me introduce myself. My name is K.V. I will be you teacher for 1 lesson. First of all I want you to know some facts about me. I have got a cloud. There is some information in it. Try to guess what I like to do. Ask me questions, please.

Take your blue clouds. Write 3 words on the cloud. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions to know more information. Use the phrase on the board: Do you like…?Now share the information you have learnt. Use the phrase: He likes/ She likes … on the board. I was happy to know some facts about you. Pleased to meet you.

2. You have sheets of paper on your desks with the letters. As well you have crayons. Your task will be to color letters in the correct order, work in pairs.You should do it quickly. If you do everything right your picture will be like this one. Show me your cards.Now write the letters in the correct order. What words do you see? About what are we going to speak today? /unusual, room, MAGIC/


3. That’s right. There are many unusual rooms with different furniture in the world. What can you say about people who live there? What do they like to do? Well, these rooms are very unusual. And what about your rooms? Are they usual or unusual? Do you want to have an unusual room? Let’s see what other things children like to do and do some exercises.


4. Today we will learn how to speak about unusual rooms to make our own project «Magic Room». First of all, let’s repeat some piecesof furniture. What can you see in this unusual room?Let’s try to describe this room.

5. English people use the phrase There is/ are … to describe their rooms.

Let’s train the word order in the sentence with the phrase there is/ are. There are envelopes with cards on your desks. Work in pairs. Your task is to make a sentence. Be attentive: 1 card is odd. 3 Now I see that you know the word order.


6. Now let’s have some grammar practice. I have magic cards for you. They are called plickers. They will help us to answer the test questions. They have different shapes. Each student will get his own plicker. There are 4 letters on it: A, B, C and D. If the right answer is A then put the letter A up. If B, put the letter B up.

Now I see that you use there is/ are correctly.

7. Now we will use everything in practice. We are going to make a project of an unusual (magic) room with the help of LEGO Education. You have to know some rules while working with it.

1. Don’t put anything into your mouth.

2. Don’t take the details at home.

3. You will work in groups. Help each other and be polite.

4. Wash your hands before take the details.

Choose 1 character.Think about what he or she likes. Make a special room for him/ her. Write from 3 to 5 sentences to describe the room. And get ready to tell us what furniture there is in the room.


8. Tell me, what you know now. Use the scale. Draw the dot here if you…Show me your list. Show the lists to our guests. Clap your hands. Good job!

9. I think your work today was brilliant.


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