Задания на тему «Family» (6 класс)

Материал опубликован 24 January 2024 в группе


Complete the following sentences:

-I was married to John. John was my …..

-My cousin’s daughter is called my …..

-My younger sister’s son is called my …..

-My grandparents’ names are Den and Lisa. Den is ….of mine.

-Wendy and I have the same grandparents. Wendy is ….of mine.

-My nephew Sam has a little sister whose name  is Mary. Mary is….of mine.

-The niece of my father is Gloria. She is ….of mine.

-Ron is my mother’s brother. He is ….of mine.

-I have one child and his name is Nick. Nick is ….of mine.

-Ann is my mother’s sister. Ann is ….of mine.

-Kate is my father’s wife. Kate is ….of mine.

-My father’s father is called Henry. Henry is ….of mine.

-My cousin Ben has a son called Tom. Tom is ….of mine.

-My son has a daughter called Lucy. She is ….of mine.


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