12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Старцева Ангелина Николаевна110

1. Place the steps to create the perfect Christmas in the correct order.

1. Stockings by the fireplace

2. Christmas feast

3. Decorate the house

4. The Christmas story

5. The Christmas tree


2. What do Shrek and Fiona use to decorate their house?

Christmas tree/candy cane/feast/baubles

Snake as a … (candy cane)

Frogs as … (baubles)

Old log as a… (Christmas tree)

Opossum as a…(feast)

3. What is not true about Donkey’s Christmas story?

1. A stage where acrobats jump, leap, and prace (T)

2. 20 foot cheese balls, and a big eggnog fountain, and yodeling elves on an ambrosia mountain (T)

3. Magical snowflakes (F)

4. The Christmas parade that comes right down the street (T)

4. True/false

In Pussycat’s story he is a cat

1. and his sword is a thing that tastes like crab cake (T)

2. and wears a fine belt and a leather cravat (T)

3. that calls himself as a hot American cat (F)

5. A Gingy’s story is a kinda…

1. comedy story

2. detective story

3. horror story

6. What did ruin the Christmas party?

1. a book

2. the argument between Donkey and Shrek

3. Shrek not knowing what the Christmas means



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