Английские поэты и их творения

Материал опубликован 19 August 2020

Автор публикации: К. Голохова, ученица 8А класса

Автор публикации: Е. Стружилина, ученица 8А класса

Автор публикации: М. Гладышева, ученица 8А класса

Автор публикации: О. Скрипа, ученица 8А класса

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Английские поэты и их творения

Born: 25 January 1759 Alloway, Scotland, Britain Born: 25 January 1759 Alloway, Scotland, Britain Died: July 21, 1796 (age 37), Dumfries, Scotland, UK Married to Jean armour Children: Robert Burns Quote: the King can make his subjects knight, a Marquis, Duke, Prince, but to make him an honest man above his power.

Robert Burns «Poortith Cauld And Restless Love» Robert Burns «Poortith Cauld And Restless Love» O poortith cauld, and restless love, Ye wrack my peace between ye; Yet poortith a' I could forgive, An 'twere na for my Jeanie. O why should Fate sic pleasure have, Life's dearest bands untwining? Or why sae sweet a flower as love Depend on Fortune's shining? The warld's wealth, when I think on, It's pride and a' the lave o't; O fie on silly coward man, That he should be the slave o't! Her e'en, sae bonie blue, betray How she repays my passion; But prudence is her o'erword aye, She talks o' rank and fashion. O wha can prudence think upon, And sic a lassie by him? O wha can prudence think upon, And sae in love as I am? How blest the simple cotter's fate! He woos his artless dearie; The silly bogles, wealth and state, Can never make him eerie, РОБЕРТ БЁРНС «ЛЮБОВЬ И БЕДНОСТЬ» Любовь и бедность навсегда Меня поймали в сети. По мне и бедность не беда, Не будь любви на свете. Зачем разлучница-судьба - Всегда любви помеха? И почему любовь - раба Достатка и успеха? Богатство, честь в конце концов Приносят мало счастья. И жаль мне трусов и глупцов, Что их покорны власти. Твои глаза горят в ответ, Когда теряю ум я, А на устах твоих совет - Хранить благоразумье. Но как же мне его хранить, Когда с тобой мы рядом? Но как же мне его хранить, С тобой встречаясь взглядом? На свете счастлив тот бедняк С его простой любовью, Кто не завидует никак Богатому сословью. Ах, почему жестокий рок - Всегда любви помеха И не цветёт любви цветок Без славы и успеха? Перевод С.Маршака

English writer(1660-1731) and essayist, primarily known as the author of "Robinson Crusoe". But the success was simply deafening. Defoe at the time was 59 years. Defoe is considered one of the first supporters of the novel as a genre. Wrote more than 500 books. He was also a pioneer of Economic journalism. English writer(1660-1731) and essayist, primarily known as the author of "Robinson Crusoe". But the success was simply deafening. Defoe at the time was 59 years. Defoe is considered one of the first supporters of the novel as a genre. Wrote more than 500 books. He was also a pioneer of Economic journalism.

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle Was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. 22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930

His most famous work are Sherlock Holmes and The lost world

Joseph Rudyard Kipling 30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936 Was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. Kipling's works of fiction include The Jungle Book

His most famous work are The Jungle book and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi

Joanne Rowling Is a British novelist and screen writer who wrote the Harry Potter fantasy series Born 31 July 1965

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