Тест «Знание английской грамматики» (Английский язык, 5 класс)

Материал опубликован 1 December 2017 в группе

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1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Артикли Глагол с предлогом Прилага- тельнoe Времена Мн. число сущ-х 1 2 3 4 5

Артикли 1 1. ….house 2. …..orange 3. ….clever animal 4. ….English book about dogs 5. …big oval table 6. …invitation for the party Вставь артикль a или an Keys: 1. a 2.an 3.a 4.an 5.a 6.an

Артикли 2 1---Ladoga 2---Pacific Ocean 3---Urals 4---Arctic Ocean 5---Caucasus 6---Everest 7---Netherlands 8---Asia 9---North America Поставьте артикль там, где необходимо a) the b) --- Keys: 1.the 2.the 3.the 4.the 5.the 6.- 7.the 8.- 9.the

Артикли 3 1. …Alps 2. …Africa 3. …Red Square 4. …Hyde Park 5. …Europe 6….Far East 7. …Lake Baikal Поставьте артикль там, где необходимо a) the b) --- Keys: 1.the 2.- 3.- 4.- 5.- 6.the 7.-

Артикли 4 1) …. Paris is …… capital of …… France. 2) … my friend … Ted comes from … USA. 3) My father has got …. car. 4) What is this? This is …. car. 5) ... Paris is in …. North of … France. 6) I am going to visit …Lake Ontario and ..Onega.  Вставь пропущенные артикли там, где нужно. a\an, the, --- Keys: 1)--, a, - - 5) --,the, ---- 2)---,---, the 6)---, the 3)a 4)a

Артикли 5 Вставь пропущенные артикли там, где нужно. a\an, the, --- 1) …..Indian Ocean is rather warm. 2)…… London is on …… river Thames. 3)…. Claire is from ……. Irish Republic. 4)… stars are shinning in the …. sky. 5)Our house is on … Neva river. 6) There is ….. big TV set in …… room. 7)Many tourist visit ….. Kremlin. Keys: 1)the 5) the 2)---, the 6)a, the 3)----, the 7) the 4)the, the

Времена 1 1.We (play) in the park every day. 2. Tom usually (drink) milk for breakfast. 3. The papers (be) on my table tomorrow. 4. The shop (close) at 5 o’clock yesterday. 5. Kate (go) to Wales two years ago. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужную форму. play 4.closed drinks 5. went will be

Времена 2 1.Mary ate some cakes. 2. He wanted to buy a computer. 3. I had a cheese sandwich for lunch. Сделайте предложения вопросительными (общий вопрос) и переведите на русский. Did Mary eat any cakes? Did he want to buy a computer? Did he have a cheese sandwich for lunch?

Времена 3 1. He (travel) by plane to the USA next month. 2. He (be ) busy tomorrow. 3. Alice (live) in London. 4. My friends (want) to go to the cinema yesterday. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время . will travel 4.wanted will be lives

Времена 4 1. The children will drink hot milk in an hour. 2. Mr. Johnson will drive a car next week. 3. Lucy will work in a hospital next year. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными. Keys: 1. The children will not drink hot milk in an hour. 2. Mr. Johnson will not drive a car next week. 3. Lucy will not work in a hospital next year. 1. Will the children drink hot milk in an hour? 2. Will Mr. Johnson drive a car next week? 3. Will Lucy work in a hospital next year?

Времена 5 1.Jack haves many lessons on Monday. 2. Where you live? 3. Sally like black coffee. 4. You go with us? 5. I doesn’t know his name. Исправьте ошибки. Keys: 1.Jack has many lessons on Monday. 2. Where do you live? 3. Sally likes black coffee. 4. Do you go with us? 5. I don’t know his name.

Глагол с предлогом 1 1. My father eats a bowl __ salad every day. 2. When I travel? My parrot travels ____ me ____ a cage. 3. I like to walk __ the grass. 4. I saw a little grasshopper __ the grass. 5. A. Pushkin is famous ___ his poems. Вставьте предлоги : Keys: 1. of 4. in 2. with, in 5. for 3.on

1. Olga is proud ____ her collection of old coins. 1. Olga is proud ____ her collection of old coins. 2. I am interested ____ books and coins. 3. They can see drawings and pictures ____ picture galleries. 4. Sport is important ___ my younger brother. 5. __the Tretyakov Gallery you can see paintings ____ Shishkin, Serov and others. Глагол с предлогом 2 Вставьте предлоги : Keys: 1. of 4. to 2. in 5. at, by 3.at

1. Which ____ you lives in Moscow? 1. Which ____ you lives in Moscow? 2. I bought a lot ___ vegetables yesterday. 3.Let’s meet at the restaurant ___7 o’clock. 4. You can __buy souvenirs ___a souvenir shop. 5. May I come __? Yes, Come ___! Глагол с предлогом 3 Вставьте предлоги : Keys: 1. of 4. --, in 2. of 5. in, 3.at

1. I try to do____ morning exercises. 1. I try to do____ morning exercises. 2. Computers are not useful ___ children. 3. I live _______25 Summer Street. 4. He spends a lot of time ___reading books. 5. Julia is going ______London. Глагол с предлогом 4 Вставьте предлоги : Keys: 1. --- 4. on 2. for 5. to 3.at

1. I was born ____ June. 1. I was born ____ June. 2. I love this kind ____ films. 3. Jill began to dream ___ medical career. 4. I go ____ the theatre every month. 5. My sister is good ____ drawing.   Глагол с предлогом 5 Keys: 1. in 4. to 2. of 5. at 3.about Вставьте предлоги :

Множественное число существительного 1 1.fox 2.lady 3.leaf 4.bear 5.cousin 6. day 7. rabbit Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных. Keys: 1.foxes 2.ladies 3.leaves 4.bears 5.cousins 6.days 7. rabbits

1.sister 1.sister 2.cinema 3.wife 4.Bus 5.shelf 6.tomato 7. piano Множественное число существительного 2 Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных. Keys: 1.sisters 2.cinemas 3.wives 4.Buses 5.shelves 6.tomatoes 7.pianos

1.sheep 1.sheep 2. goose 3.child 4.mouse 5. tooth 6.man 7.woman 8. fish Множественное число существительного 3 Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных. Keys: 1. sheep 2. geese 3.children 4.mice 5. teeth 6.men 7.women 8 fish

1. The boy is a student. 1. The boy is a student. 2. The girl is from China. 3. I have a book. Множественное число существительного 4 Поставьте предложения во множественное число. Keys: 1. The boys are students. 2. The girls are from China. 3. I have a lot of books.

1. There is a fox in the forest. 1. There is a fox in the forest. 2. The man is a doctor. 3. The lady is very nice. 4. The car is in the street. Множественное число существительного 5 Keys: 1. There are foxes in the forest. 2. The men are doctors. 3. The ladies are very nice. 4. The cars are in the street. Поставьте предложения во множественное число.

Прилагательное 1 1.black 2. white 3. happy 4. wet Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных Keys: 1.black –blacker-the blackest 2. white-whiter-the whitest 3. happy-happier-the happiest 4. wet-wetter-the wettest

1.interesting 1.interesting 2.dirty 3.Intelligent 4. dry Прилагательное 2 Keys: 1.interesting-more interesting-the most interesting 2.dirty-dirtier-the dirtiest 3.intelligent-more intelligent-the most intelligent 4. dry-drier-the driest Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных

1.good 1.good 2. bad 3. little Прилагательное 3 Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных Keys: 1.good-better-the best 2. bad-worse-the worst 3. little-less-the least

1.That is (old) chair of all. 1.That is (old) chair of all. 2. This room is (big) in our flat. 3. That is (comfortable) train in the world. Прилагательное 4 Поставьте прилагательные в превосходную степень и переведите: Keys: 1.That is the oldest chair of all. 2. This room is the biggest in our flat. 3. That is the most comfortable train in the world.

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Тест на знание грамматики

1 December 2017

Отлично!!! Спасибо!

16 February 2018

Спасибо вам огромное за такую высокую оценку!

3 March 2018

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