Презентация «Newspapers»

Материал опубликован 28 November 2018

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Автор публикации: Ю. Ермакова, ученица 8А класса

Данная презентация будет полезна при изучении темы "Mass Media. Newspapers".
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Newspapers Ермакова Юлия, 8 А КСОШ № 4, г. Кодинск

Newspaper is the oldest mass media. The first newspaper was published in China in the VIII century.

A newspaper is a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisement etc.

Papers can be divided into: 1. National 2. Local 3. Daily 4. Weekly 5. Tabloid 6. Online

National newspapers are sold all over the country. Most of them express a political opinion.

Local newspapers give information on different events happening in the local area.

A daily newspaper is produced every day, sometimes with the exception of Sundays and some national holidays.

Weekly newspapers are common and tend to be smaller than daily papers. In some cases, there also are newspapers that are published twice or three times a week. In the United States, such newspapers are generally still classified as weeklies.

Tabloid is a newspaper with rather small pages, it contains many pictures and little serious news.

Online Virtually all printed newspapers have online editions, which depends on the country. They may be regulated by journalists’ organizations such as the Press Complaints Commission in the UK.

Newspapers are very important in our every day life.

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