Публикация «The purpose of the formation of national thinking in the minds of students of higher education in the field of music»

Music education is one of the main parts of general education and teaches to consciously perceive the beautiful things around. Music shapes a person’s spiritual worldview. Among the many means of moral education, the art of music has a special place. The art of music is an aesthetic reflection of the votse, and in works of all kinds of art an objective assessment of some aspect of reality is given. The art of music is extremely moving, it has an emotional impact on people’s minds and increases their interest in singing. This article describes the purpose of the formation of national thinking i

Публикация «The need to study modern pedagogical technologies of music lessons»
The subject of music art and culture, like other subjects in general secondary education, serves for comprehensive education and the formation of a well-rounded person. The student achieves the set goal using a variety of content, methods and forms in order to develop the spiritual and moral culture of the students, using the effective educational power of music. The article highlights the need to study the modern pedagogical technology of teaching music culture.
Methods of developing rhythmic skills in students through rhythmic exercises and dance movements in higher education
Archaeological excavations in a number of regions of Uzbekistan show that spirituality and culture, especially art, have deep roots here. In the traditional analysis of the culture, in particular, the art of our country, the monuments of Tuprakkala and Koykirildiqala, one of the major centers of the great Khorezmshah state, play an important role. Based on the results of the research, the article describes the methods of developing rhythmic characteristics in students through rhythmic exercises and dance movements in higher education.