A letter to my friend

Материал опубликован 3 February 2021

Dear friend

My name is Karina. I’m 15 years old. I’m in the 9th grade. We have a big class. I have a lot of classmates and I like them all. There are 6 boys and 9 girls in my class. Our class is friendly, noisy, active. We always help each other. We celebrate our birthday and different holidays. I have got a lot of friends. I don't have the best friend. There are friends with whom I communicate very well and trust. We always support each other.

I live in a beautiful village. I live in the country house. My family is not very big. I have got a father, a mother and a sister. My mother is a very nice woman. She is a teacher and works in kindergarten. She likes to cook and clean up. My father is clever and strong. He is an electrician. He likes to go hunting and work in the garden. My sister goes to kindergarten. She likes to watch cartoons and solve easy examples. We like to spend time all together. We like to relax in nature, watch films, celebrate holidays, visit relatives.

I have no hobby. If there were an opportunity, I would go dancing. I would like to learn to play the guitar.

I don’t like going to school. My favourite subject are Maths and Social Studies. Such subjects as Chemistry and Physics are difficult for me. I try always to do my homework. It takes me about 3-4 hours to do my homework.

This year we must take examinations in Maths and Russian and write a test paper in the chosen subject. I have chosen Social Studies and Geography.

I’m going to stay at school and then go to university.

Best wishes,


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