A letter to my friend

Материал опубликован 3 February 2021

A letter to my friend

Dear friend,

My name is Vanya. I am 16 years old. I'm in the 9th grade. Our class is big. I have many classmates and I like all of them. There are 6 boys and 9 girls in our class. Our class is friendly. In the class I have 2 best friends, their names are Yegor and Lyosha. We constantly chat about something, and we spend every break together. We always help each other with homework, if one of us can't do it. But, unfortunately, I live in another village and cannot see and walk with them in the evenings or on weekends. Therefore, during extracurricular time we keep in touch using social networks.

I live in a beautiful village called Sorovo. I live in a large two-storied house that my dad and I have built together. In addition to my dad, I have a mother and two sisters: Yana and Anya. My mother cooks very tasty, and often spoils us with different goodies. My dad works in the forest with forestry equipment. He is very kind and brave. My sister Yana goes to school, she is in the 7th grade. And Anya goes to kindergarten, and in a year she will go to school. When the whole family is at home, we watch TV together, go to a neighboring village to visit our grandmother and go for a walk.

One of my favorite hobbies is motorcycles. I've been riding since I was 10 years old. Previously, my relatives were against this hobby, because they were afraid for my health, but now I am an adult and they do not worry about me as much as before. For 6 years I have already changed 4 motorcycles. In addition to motorcycles, I am also attracted by old Japanese cars, and the subculture of the mod, the name JDM, I know a lot about these cars, and in the future I will buy myself an old Japanese sedan and modify it myself.

I like going to school. My favorite subjects are Mathematics, Physics and Physical Education. This year I need to take exams, but the task was made easier for us and now we are taking only 2 compulsory subjects - Russian and Mathematics. And we will also write one test in an additional subject and I think that I will write Physics. After passing the exams, I plan to go to grade 11, and then graduate.

I have not decided about my profession yet, but I am sure that it will be related to cars and motorcycles, because this topic is very close to me. I dream of opening my own car service, where I will repair various Japanese cars and deal with their revision (tuning). I will do my best to make this dream come true.

Best wishes


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