12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку.

Игра «A Minute to Win it» (Минута на победу)

Семейная игра «A Minute to Win it» даёт возможность, используя простые подручные средства, провести время с удовольствием и пользой. Можно провести данную игру как внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку. Игра пользуется большой популярностью и вызывает бурю положительных эмоций и подходит для любого возраста.

Цель игры – выполнить задание (челлендж) за одну минуту. Игрок получает 3 очка в случае победы (завершение задания за минуту), 2 очка за выполненное задание (минута истекла, но задание доведено до конца), 1 очко за попытку выполнения, 0 очков – в случае отказа.

Игра развивает внимание, ловкость, быстроту реакции, мышление, умение доводить начатое до конца, умение поддержать друга и преодолеть себя. Самая главная победа – это победа над собой.

Задания формулируются на английском языке с демонстрацией челленджа. При необходимости можно перевести.

Welcome to “A Minute to Win it” – a popular family game. Let’s have fun and check your stamina, physical and intellectual skills.

The rules.


Task 1. Defying gravity.

Just before the timer starts, push or throw three balloons into the air. Begin the timer when all three balloons are released.

Using any part of your body, keep the balloons from touching the floor. ...

All three balloons must remain in play for the full minute to win the game.


Task 2. Moving on up.

To play it, 39 red cups(maybe less) are stacked with one blue cup at the bottom, and players race the clock to cycle the blue cup through the stack. To win Movin' On Up, players must take one cup from the top of the stack and move it to the bottom with one hand, then repeat the process with the other hand. The game continues in this way until the blue cup has gone through the entire stack of cups and resumes its original place at the bottom.


Task 3. Suck it up.

Players place a straw in their mouth and use suction to transfer a pile of 25 M&M's (or pop corns) from one plate to another in under one minute. Only one hand may be used to hold the straw. Everyone gets to eat their candy when the round is finished!


Task 4. Ping-pong bounce.

Each person gets 6 ping pong balls. When the one-minute timer begins, players grab their buckets and begin bouncing ping pong balls into the glasses. Working down the line, contestants must bounce one ping pong ball into each of the glasses in one minute or less.


Task 5. Plastic pyramid.

To start, face the table and the cups. When the 1-minute timer begins, pick up the stack of cups and begin creating a triangular-shaped tower. The bottom row should be made up of six cups in a straight line, with five in the next row, four in the next, and so on until you end up with a single cup on top of the tower.


Task 6. Pencil flip.

The game starts by using the opposite hand, placing the first pencil on the back of your flipping/catching hand. Flip the pencil up in the air and catch them with the same hand. Add 1 more pencil at each repetition, until all the pencils have been successfully flipped and caught within 1 minute.


Task 7. Candy toss.

Divide into pairs and have the partners stand at least three feet apart. Give each partner a paper cup and a handful of small candies. Have them try to toss the candies into their partner’s cup. The one with the most candy in the partner’s cup at the end wins. If desired, you can continue the game tournament-style by pairing up winners against each other until the ultimate winner is decided.


Task 8. Balloon blow.

Start the one-minute timer, grab the balloon and blow it up.

Expel the air out of the ballon so that it blows the cups off the edge of the table.

Continue to blow the balloon up until all 15 plastic cups are on the floor.

To win, knock all cups off the table in one minute or less.


Task 9. Apple stack.

Children have one minute to stack five apples (or three for younger kids) on top of each other and stay for three seconds.


Task 10. Sketti scoop.

Start this minute to win it game with one strand of uncooked spaghetti. The player puts the end of the dry noodle in their mouth. She then has 60 seconds to pick up six uncooked pieces of penne pasta—with the spaghetti. Oh, and without using her hands!


Enjoy the game!

For more information








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