Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку за курс 4 класса

Материал опубликован 17 April 2018 в группе

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку

за курс 4 класса 2017-2018 учебного года

Фамилия ___________________ Класс________

Раздел 1 Чтение

Прочитай текст. Выбери нужный ответ:

True , если вы согласны с утверждением, False, если вы не согласны.

Sam was in the country in summer. He visited his grandmother and grandfather. It was often rainy and he couldn’t swim every day. When it was warm and sunny his friends and he went to the river to swim. They played football and tennis.

They often went to the forest, too. There were some berries and mushrooms. The boys liked to look for them. Their baskets were full very often. Sam`s grandmother cooked mushroom soup. It was very tasty. Everybody liked the soup. Sam always ate it with pleasure.

Sam visited his parents.

1. True 2. False

B. They played football and tennis.

1. True 2. False

C. Sam`s grandmother cooked a cake.

1. True 2. False

Раздел 2 Письмо

Заполни анкету.



Date of birth_______________.

Where do you live?__________.

What do you like to do?______.

Have you got a pet?__________.

Письменно ответь на вопросы:

Where are you from?_________________________________________________

What do you have for breakfast?_______________________________________

How many rooms are there in your flat?_________________________________

What is your favourite season?________________________________________

Have you got a pet?_________________________________________________

What are spring months?_____________________________________________

What clothes do you wear in spring?___________________________________

What is your favourite animal? Why?___________________________________

Раздел 3 Грамматика

Выбери правильный вариант ответа и занеси в таблицу.

A. It often______ in winter. 1. snows 2. is snowing

B. My brother is_______ than me. 1.younger 2. the youngest

C. February is the _____ month of the year. 1. two 2. second

D. Kate went to visit___ teacher. 1. her 2. she

E. I have got _____ friends. 1. much 2. many

F. There are many _____in our flat. 1. windows 2. window

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