Central parts of big cities should be closed to private transport. Эссе

Материал опубликован 27 July 2021 в группе

СПб ГБПОУ «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции»


Преподаватель: Ирина Владимировна Криницкая, преподаватель дисциплин ОДБ.03 Иностранный язык, ОНСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности, ОП.08 Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.

Central parts of big cities should be closed to private transport. Эссе

Пояснительная записка.

Учебное задание: написать эссе с аргументами ЗА и ПРОТИВ.

Тема: Центральные части больших городов следует закрыть для частного транспорта.

Количество слов: 200 – 250


- вступление (обозначение проблемы);

- выражение личного мнения с 2-3 доводами собственной позиции;

- выражение противоположного мнения с 1-2 доводами противоположной позиции;

- объяснение, почему не согласны с противоположным мнением;

- заключение с повторным выражением собственного мнения.


Task: to write For-and-Against Essay

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Theme: Central parts of big cities should be closed to private transport.

Words: 200 – 250


- make an introduction (state the problem);

- express your personal opinion and gave 2-3 reasons of your opinion;

- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion;

- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion;

- make a conclusion restating your position.

Выполнила студентка: ЛЯШЕНКО ЭЛЬВИРА

Курс: 2

Группа: 9КМ-21

Специальность: 38.02.04 Коммерция

Полностью сохранена орфография автора.

Количество слов: 274

Nowadays the issue of traffic jams causes a great discussion in the society. While some people believe that a prohibition for using private transport in the center of the city is a good decision, others say it can lead to more immense problems as a lack of space in public transport.

As for me, I am convinced that the government should not forbid private drivers to use their chattel in certain sections of town. To begin with, a way to shop centers would be further, because people cannot get it by car. As a result, habitants are force to bring all their purchasers, which might be heavy, to home, located far away from a shop. What is more, a road to the opposite side of town would get more time. So traffic jams might happen more frequently as drivers are exhausted.

However, there is another point of view on this issue. First of all, air in central parts will be cleaner. It, obviously, has positive impact on the ecology. Moreover, the solution of traffic jams is finally found. There will be no more long trips and unpleasant drivers.

I do not fully agree with my counterparts, because the air pollution is relocated to other pieces of city. For example, the amount of cars in living streets would be unbelievable. Besides, the public transport is overcrowded. It is scary to imagine a quantity of people, hurrying to work places.

In summary, I would like to say that the problem of consequences of using transport is still to be discussed. I believe that forbiddance for using chattel in some parts of towns would not solve it.

Сначала преподаватель только выделяет слова, словосочетания, в которых допущены ошибки – даёт возможность студенту самому обнаружить неточности. Затем обсуждаются нюансы, таким образом, проверка эссе носит поэтапный характер.

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