CHOCOLAT. Отзыв. Ганичева Дарья

Материал опубликован 17 July 2021 в группе

СПб ГБПОУ «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции»

Автор: Ирина Владимировна Криницкая, преподаватель дисциплин ОДБ.03 Иностранный язык, ОНСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности, ОП.08 Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.




Пояснительная записка.

Студентам было дано задание – поделиться впечатлениями после просмотра британско-американского художественного фильма «Chocolat» на английском языке в рамках заседания киноклуба A-LISTERS (Звезды первой величины): Write down your impressions with the movie "Chocolat" (2000). What is your attitude to the main character Vianne Rocher? 100 - ...... words. Напишите свои впечатления от фильма «Шоколад». Какое у вас отношение к главной героине Виенн Роше? От 100 слов.

«Шокола́д» (фр. Chocolat) — фильм режиссёра Лассе Халльстрёма по мотивам одноимённого романа британской писательницы Джоанн Харрис.


Задание выполнялось в электронной образовательной среде колледжа Eduhouse



Курс: 2

Группа: 9Л-21к

Специальность: 38.02.03 Операционная деятельность в логистике

Количество слов: 337

Полностью сохранена орфография автора.


We watched this film in our cinema club during the session, and it, like many, interested us in its name. Our first thought when viewing it is that we will now see delicious, sweet and bitter chocolate, but no one thought that you can see people looking like different types of chocolate, which happens with chili, nuts and flaws.

We are shown an ordinary city with ordinary people who are no different from the rest, they pray every day, go to church, fasting, raise their children and take care of husbands. But how much these people are unsuccessful, clogged, even afraid of the thought that they can be happy. And here in this city comes a mysterious girl with her daughter, who opens a chocolate shop. For these people, chocolate does not mean the sweet that is served with tea, for them it is a reliable chance to change something in their life, and finally become free. Of course, not everyone accepts it at once and even tries to evict her from there, but only because they are scared to see what they can really be like, not afraid to receive a refusal, to tell their family what they really feel, to commit an act about which they did not even think, to become better and simply live, rejoicing every day. I advise you to watch the film very thoughtfully, not paying attention to what your favorite actor is filming there or what you want to eat, and to pay attention to what is really important, and these are the feeling of that people. After you look at him, i hope you can see not just things in things, hear a person even if he does not say anything, see what he has not seen before, understand that every person who surrounds you, even if you just met him dear to you. And like me, it is important to know that it is not what kind of chocolate they give you, but who gives it to you.

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