Creative project «My Christmas stocking»

Материал опубликован 4 November 2019

Creative project " My Christmas stocking"


Contents……………………………………………………….……………………2 Introduction……………………………………...…………………………………3

Materials and Instruments………………………………………………………….3

The Process of Work……………………………………………………………4-5

Тhe legend of Christmas stockings……………………………………..…………..6

Christmas gifts......……..…………………………………………………………..6 Conclusion……………………………………………….…………………………7


Every country has its own customs and traditions. In families of the Russian people during the winter holidays the traditions of Western Christmas and New Year are intertwined.

Christmas stocking is well known to many children as an accessory for the gift from Santa Claus.

I need to:

Find, choose and read the information about Christmas and Christmas stocking.

Choose the materials and the instruments.

Study the technology of manufacturing and do my work.

Tell about my work.

Materials and Instruments:




wooden sticks,



threads and needle,

the pattern and paper.

The Process of Work.

Making the stocking’s pattern from paper.

Manufacturing the stocking’s parts from fabric.

Decoration the stocking’s parts and join them together.

My Christmas stocking is ready!

The legend of Christmas stockings.

The legend associated with Santa Claus from Saint Nicholas. One day Saint Nicholas heard about the honest but poor family and decided to help them by making generous gifts. He threw gold bars into the house through a pipe of furnace and they got inside dry stockings.

This legend is very kind and instructive for all people. Children believe that those who have been good all year Santa will put sweets in a stocking but naughty children will find coals in their stockings.

Christmas gifts.

Since then, stockings have become a symbol of Christmas and Christmas gifts. Nowadays Christmas stocking is a widespread souvenir for presents. Some children hang up stockings so Santa Claus can fill them with candy, fruit and other small gifts.

I chose the Christmas stocking because I love Christmas and New Year holidays and gifts. Our family also has the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree and give each other gifts. My stocking will add bright colors in the tradition of our family.


This project helps me to learn a good story about Saint Nicholas. How he helped to a poor family and some other interesting facts about this holiday.

In the manufacture of the stocking I put a piece of my soul and the ability to sew. I learned why Christmas stocking became a souvenir and tried to create my own Christmas stocking.

Now I want to ask you a riddle: «We usually put it on, but once a year we hang it for presents». What is this?

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