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DEAD POETS SOCIETY. Алиева Илаха. Отзыв. Впечатления и размышления после просмотра художественного фильма на английском языке

Материал опубликован 20 July 2021 в группе

СПб ГБПОУ «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции»


Преподаватель: Ирина Владимировна Криницкая, преподаватель дисциплин ОУД.03 Иностранный язык, ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности, ОП.08 Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.


Общество мертвых поэтов

Отзыв. Впечатления и размышления.

Пояснительная записка.

Студентам было дано задание – поделиться впечатлениями после просмотра американского художественного фильма «Общество мертвых поэтов» на английском языке в рамках заседания киноклуба A-LISTERS (Звезды первой величины): Write down about your impressions with the movie. 100-120 words.

Фильм снятый режиссёром Питером Уиром  в 1989 году.

Премия «Оскар» за лучший оригинальный сценарий, также фильм номинировался в категориях «Лучший фильм» и «Лучшая мужская роль» (Робин Уильямс). Две премии «БАФТА» за лучший фильм года и лучшую музыку.

Фильм повествует об истории учителя английского языка и литературы, который вдохновляет своих учеников менять свою жизнь через пробуждение в них интереса к поэзии и литературе. Действие фильма происходит в конце 1950-х в вымышленной академии города Велтон в штате Вермонт. Образ учителя Китинга, роль которого в фильме исполнил Робин Уильямс, списан с реального учителя, Сэма Пикеринга, преподававшего в Montgomery Bell Academy, где проходил в своё время обучение сценарист фильма Том Шульман.



Группа: 9ТЭ-21

Специальность: 38.02.05 Товароведение и экспертиза качества потребительских товаров

Количество слов: 512

Полностью сохранена орфография автора.


From the very beginning of the film I had bad feeling. I don’t know why, but the atmosphere in the film pressed me. And unfortunately I was not mistaken. The main character died the guy who really inspired me in with his passion for everything, cheerful mood and sparkling eyes a few minutes of the movie.

John Keating is a very controversial character for me. One side as a teacher he should not have served his subject this way, but on the other side « catch a moment ». He taught the boys, yes me too, fight for your opinion, for your choice. He showed that literature it's not just a subject, and a whole world of fantasies and flights. Do not be afraid to prove yourself, your talent, how did Todd. John Keating is that teacher , which the, as I think, should teach in children, because he reveals a common subject from different sides. He inspires, gives life and freedom..

Todd, Stephen, Knox, Gerard and Charlie. Talented boys, inspired by, loving. I really loved them for their stamina, courage, talent and just for their kind hearts.. The ending of the film once again proved, that these boys are precisely our future. Despite intimidation by the director, they showed their love to the teacher. In front of everyone.

I admit, I cried a lot. Even when Neil took his father’s weapon. In my thoughts was the phrase "Do not!", but there was no other way. Who would like to live in «imprisonment». When you are not given the right to choose, when they decide for you what and how you should do. The father, thinking only of himself, shut off the oxygen to his son. Inspired boy, who just dreamed. This is terrible when parents decide the fate of their child. They do not understand him, making it hurt. I could not stop the tears and when they showed the reaction of the boys, especially Todd, I cried even more. I felt their pain on myself.

It was a shock to me when Cameron betrayed. Trampled not only friendship, but also faith, guys inspiration and hope. I believe that he, the director and father of Neil, are the most disgusting characters in the film. Not able to love.

I really liked the movie, despite, that left a big nasty residue. However the film is very inspiring, gives strength. Many will blame the teacher for the death of Neil, but he only wanted to give confidence, inspire. But his family also destroyed him. The film showed that that you need to be able to fight, inspire, receive everything from life how did Knox confessing love to a girl, how did Neil perform on stage, how did Charlie defending his rights and friends. NEED TO CATCH A MOMENT. This phrase will forever be remembered by me. I could say a lot, but now thoughts are confused after the film, but I know for sure that I will recommend the film to all my friends. If only, because that he is worth it. Thank.

Иллюстрация из сервиса поиска изображений в интернете Yandeх.картинкиhttps://yandex.ru/images/

Информационный ресурс о художественном фильме: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Poets_Society

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