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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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✅Отзывы и достижения - страница в Instagram @english_links ✅Фото достижений - см.внизу страницы ("Электронное портфолио")
Россия, Москва

2 класс

Вариант 1

Задание 1


Выбери правильный вариант и обведи в кружок:

1. She……from Great Britain.




2. Are you six? - Yes, I…




3. She ….catch a ball.




4. It’s …white balloon.




5. This is my sister. ….name is Sally.




6. Is it …elephant? - Yes, it is.




        7. That is your dad. …bird is yellow.




8. I’m… eight. I’m seven.




9. Can you swim? - No, I …




10. The ball is…..to the slide.




Задание 2

Writing (20 слов)

Вот отрывок из письма Тома. Напишите ему ответ. Не забудьте поприветствовать, ответить на его вопросы, подписать письмо. Твои ответы должны состоят из 20 слов:

Hi friend,

I‘m a schoolboy. What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What is your favourite colour?....

Take care,


Dear _______,

Thank you for your letter. Well,_______________________________




Задание 3


Прочитай предложения, посмотри на картинку и напиши yes или no:

The fat cat is on the mat, the funny hat is on the cat.

The cat is fat. __________

The cat is on the hat. ________

The cat is on the mat. ________

The mat is on the cat.________

The hat is on the mat. ________

The hat is on the cat. _________

Задание 4


Ответь на вопросы:

What is your name?

How are you?

How old are you?

Where are you from?

What is your favourite colour?

What’s your mum’s name?

Where is she from?

What’s your dad’s name?

Where is he from?

Who is funny/tall in your family?

Задание 5


Прослушай аудио, на вопросы 1-5 напиши имя либо число.

  1. Which friend can the robot phone?

  2. How many words can the robot say?

  3. What is the name of the boy’s cousin?

  4. How many games can the robot play?

  5. What is the cat’s name?

2 класс Аудирование Вариант 1
MP3 / 4.13 Мб

Вариант 2

Задание 1

Grammar - Замени на he/she/it/they/you/we

Anna -

Alex -

Bot -

Boy -

Girl -

A sister and I -

Robots -

A car -


A brother and a sister -

A teacher and you -

Задание 2


Посмотри на картинку, прочитай предложения, запиши рядом yes или no.

(Редактор не пропускает картинку. Вы можете за основу взять любую другую и немного, в соответствии с ней, переделать исходные предложения):

The monkeys have got long tails. _____

The tortoises have got long tails. _____

The elephants have got small ears. ____

The monkeys haven’t got two arms. ____

The tortoises haven’t got short tails. _____

The elephants haven’t got small ears. ____

The monkeys have got short legs. _____

The tortoises have got short legs. ____

The elephants have got long tails._____

Задание 3


Будь готов ответить на вопросы:

Where is the hat? What colour is the hat?

Where is the doll? What colour is the doll?

Where is the goat? What colour is the goat?

Where is the monkey? What colour is the monkey?

Where is the cat? What colour is the cat?

Where is the lion? What colour is the lion?

Where is the kite? What colour is the kite?

Where is the umbrella? What colour is the umbrella?

Where is the ball? What colour is the ball?

Задание 4

Writing (20 слов)

Вот отрывок из письма Джейн. Напишите ей ответ. Не забудьте поприветствовать, ответить на вопросы, подписать письмо. Ваши ответы должны состоять из 20 слов:

Hi friend,

I‘m a schoolgirl. Have you got a friend? What’s her/his name? How old is she/he? How is she/he?....

Take care,


Dear _______,

Thank you for your letter. Well,_________________




3 класс

Вариант 1


Послушай аудиозапись и отметь галочкой правильный вариант (или запиши в формате 1.А
3 класс Аудирование Вариант 1
MP3 / 3.83 Мб




Вставь слово по смыслу:


Выбери правильный ответ и обведи его в кружок:


Прочитай текст и дополни предложения

My flat

We live in a flat. Our flat isn’t very big. There is a living room, my parents’ bedroom, my bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall.

In the living room there are four chairs, a table, a sofa, a TV and pictures. In our living room we watch TV. We have breakfast and dinner in the kitchen. There is a table, three chairs, a cooker and cupboards there. In my bedroom there is a bed next to the window. There is a wardrobe and a clock. I do my homework in the bedroom, so there is a desk and a chair, too. I’ve got a computer. It’s on my desk. I like playing computer games.

  1. The girl lives in a ……
  2. There are …………. (kinds of rooms) in her flat.
  3. They have breakfast and watch TV in ………..
  4. There is ……………in the girl’s bedroom.
  5. She ……………. in her bedroom.


  1. What animals are there in your country?
  2. What is your favourite animal?
  3. What activities do you do on Monday/Sunday?
  4. What do you do in the gym/classroom/park/playground?
  5. When do you visit your grandma?
  6. What is your favourite day? What do you do on it?
  7. What is your favourite season?
  8. What is the weather in your favourite season?
  9. What activities can you do in your favourite season?
  10. What clothes do you wear in your favourite season?

Writing (25 слов)

Вот отрывок из письма Тома. Напишите ему ответ. Не забудьте поприветствовать, ответить на его вопросы, подписать письмо.

Hi friend,

I‘m a schoolboy. What is your name? How old are you? What is your favourite day? What can you do on this day at school?

Take care,



Dear _______,

Thank you for your letter. Well, ________________________________________________






Вариант 2

Задание 1


Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски

Задание 2


Раскрой скобки, выбрав Present Simple или Present Continuous:

1. They ……….……….……….………..(read) books now.

2. Mary always ………….….…….……..(drink) coffee in the mornings.

3. My mum……….……….……….………..(work) in the hospital.

4. Tom and his brothers ………………….…..(walk) in the park now.

5. We………………………………….…(play) football every Sunday.

6. Today my brothers ……………………...(wear) jeans.

Задание 3


3 класс Аудирование Вариант 2
MP3 / 3.65 Мб

Послушай аудиозапись и отметь галочкой правильный вариант (или запиши в формате 1.А  



Задание 4


Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы полным предложнием


There are a lot of wild animals. They can be big or little, long-legged or short-legged, long-tailed or short-necked and they eat different food. I know a lot of wild animals. They are tigers and kangaroos, elephants and monkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, bears and pandas. I know a lot of farm animals, too. They are cows and horses, pigs and sheep. Many people keep parrots, cats and dogs as pets at home. But I like horses. The horse is a farm animal. It is big, brown, grey and white. It eats grass and I think it’s a very beautiful animal.

1. What wild animal does the boy know?

2. What farm animal does the boy know?

3. What animals do people keep at home as a pet?

4. What is the boy’s favourite animal?

5. What does the horse eat?

Задание 5


1.What is your name? How old are you? How are you?

2. Are you happy/sad/hungry/thirsty/tired/angry/tall/funny/beautiful?

3. Where are you from? Are you from Egypt/Russia?

4. Have you got blond/black/brown hair? Have you got short/long hair?

Have you got green/blue/brown/grey eyes? Have you got two arms and two legs? Have you got a tail?

5. What colour are your eyes? What colour is your hair?

6. What are you wearing now? Are you wearing a dress/a jacket and blue jeans/a T-shirt and black trousers/grey socks and brown shoes?

7. What colour is your shirt/dress/skirt/T-shirt/jumper?

What colour are your trousers/jeans/shoes/socks?

Задание 6


Вот отрывок из письма Джека. Напишите ему ответ. Не забудьте поприветствовать, ответить на его вопросы, подписать письмо. Ваш ответ должен состоять из 25 слов!

Hi friend,

I like shopping and cooking. What clothes do you like to buy? What food do you like cooking?What do you like doing on Sunday?

Take care,


 Dear _______,

Thank you for your letter. Well, ________________________________________________






4 класс

Вариант 1


Напишите одним словом:

  1. Not quiet - 

  2. Not well-behaved - 

  3. Your mum’s sister - 

  4. Before the others - 

  5. Next after first - 

  6. Time between lessons - 

  7. You draw and paint at this lesson - 



Поставьте данные глаголы в нужную форму:

  1. She……………...the flute now.                      PLAY

  2. Tom …………….the violin on Sundays.         PLAY

  3. Sarah never………..the films.                        WATCH

  4. Nick …..fifteen today.                                     BE

  5. Where……..you yesterday?                           BE

  6. Today I…..happy.                                           BE

  7. But yesterday I …. sad.                                  BE


Прочитайте тексты, ответь на вопросы ПОЛНЫМ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕМ:

Daisy’s family lived in a flat in the city, but every weekend they drove to the countryside to see Daisy’s grandparents. They lived on a farm. In the car, last Saturday, the family talked about the farm. ‘It’s so quiet there!’ Daisy’s Mum said. ‘I like working outside!’ her father said. ‘I love helping Grandpa with all the animals,’ Daisy said. ‘Look! Here we are!’

1)Where did they live? ______________________________________________________

2)When did Daisy’s family go to the country?_____________________________________

They were surprised when they saw six noisy trucks on the farm. And when they got out of the car, it started to rain. It was cold, too. ‘Oh dear!’ Daisy’s mum said. ‘It’s very noisy here today.’ ‘And I can’t work outside in this rain,’ Daisy’s father said. ‘Well, you two can sit and have tea with Grandma,’ said Daisy. ‘But I have to help Grandpa with the cows and sheep!’ 

3)What did they see on the farm?_______________________________________________

4)What was the weather like when they got out of the car?___________________________

Daisy worked all afternoon in the cold, wet weather. She gave the cows their dry grass, washed some sheep and carried vegetables. After dinner, Daisy was tired but happy. ‘The best farmer in your family isn’t your dad or your mum. It’s you, Daisy!’ her grandfather said. ‘That’s good because I want to be a farmer like you one day, Grandpa,’ Daisy answered!

5) What did Daisy do for animals in the afternoon?_________________________________

6) What does Daisy want to be one day?________________________________________


Подготовьте ответы на вопросы:

What do you do at Art/maths/PE lessons/breaktime?

What lessons do you have on Monday/Tuesday…?

When do you have music lesson?

How often do you have English?

How many people are there in your family? Who are they?

Does your family live in a flat or a house?

What floor is your flat on?

Do you use the lift or the stairs?

What do you eat for breakfast?

When does your family do the chores?

What do you like doing together?

How often do you wash up/eat cake/make your bed/play chess?


Вот отрывок из письма Тома. Напишите ему ответ. Не забудьте поприветствовать и подписать письмо. Ваш ответ должен состоять из 30 слов.

….I am at my new school now. What is your favourite lesson? How many pupils are there in your class? What do you usually do on Saturday?....

Dear _______,

Thank you for your letter. Well,________________________________________________




Вариант 2

Задание 1. Vocabulary. Посчитай и запиши ответ буквами:

  1. Thirteen and five is…………………………..

  2. Twelve and eight is…………………………..

  3. Three and sixty nine is …………………………..

  4. Fifteen and thirty six is …………………………..

  5. Eighty two and eleven is …………………………..

Образуй порядковое числительное. 

Например, 0) one - the first. 

  1. two - 

  2. three - 

  3. four - 

  4. five -

  5. eight - 

  6. nine -

Задание 2. Grammar. Измени слово, чтобы оно подходило по смыслу:

  1. They ……….……….……….………..(read) books now.

  2. Mary always ………….….…….……..(drink) coffee in the mornings.

  3. My mum……….……….……….………..(work) in the hospital.

  4. Tom and his brothers ………………….…..(walk) in the park now.

  5. We………………………………….…(play) football every Sunday.

  6. Today my brothers ……………………...(wear) jeans.

  7. I have got a lot of ……………….(knife).

  8. “I don’t know where my keys are,” said the man …………(sad).

  9. …………….…..(one) we have maths.

  10. I can play a ………………..(music) instrument.

Задание 3. Чтение. Посмотри на таблицу. Отметь предложения True/False


  1. John does maths on Monday, Thursday and Friday.

  2. The IT lesson is at 2.30-3.30 on Wednesday.

  3. John does four PE lessons a week.

  4. The geography lessons are on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

  5. John has five music lessons a week.

Задание 4. Listening


4 класс Аудирование Вариант 2
MP3 / 3.49 Мб



Задание 5. Speaking

1) Can people live without food?

2) What food can you eat in fast food restaurants?

3) What food is healthy?

4)    How much water do people have to drink?

5)    Are milk cocktails good for health?

6) What do you usually eat for breakfast?

7) How many meals a day do you have?

8) What is your favorite food?

9) Do you like cooking?

10) How often do you go to fast food restaurants?

Задание 6. Writing

Вот отрывок из письма Джулии. Напишите ей ответ. Не забудьте поприветствовать, ответить на её вопросы, подписать письмо. Ваш ответ должен состоять из 30 слов!

Hi friend,

I usually get early in the morning. When do you get up? What do you do in the morning? What do you usually eat for breakfast?  What would you like to eat for breakfast?

Take care,


 Dear _______,

Thank you for your letter. Well, ________________________________________________






3 класс Аудирование Вариант 2
MP3 / 3.65 Мб

2 класс Аудирование Вариант 1
MP3 / 4.13 Мб

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