Учебно-дидактический материал «Final Consolidation Game - Spotlight 5»

Материал опубликован 20 May 2017 в группе

Пояснительная записка к презентации

Final Consolidation Game

Modules 1-10 (Spotlight 5)

Category “School”

100 – Name the subject (lesson) where you play sports. (Physical Education or PE)

200 – On what days have you got English classes? (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday)

300 – How many teachers have you got in the 5th form? (14 teachers)

400 – Listen and say what lesson Markus and David are going to. (Science)

500 – What types of schools are there in Great Britain? (Primary school, secondary school, sixth form college, university)

Category “Home”

100 – Spell the word «кухня» in English. (k-i-t-c-h-e-n)

200 – Surprise! Find 10 words over the topic “Home” (garden, bedroom, bathroom, mirror, desk, wardrobe, cooker, sofa, table, carpet).

300 – Look at the picture and fill in the gaps in the text:

1) – sofa

2) – paintings

3) – opposite

4) – table

5) – chairs

6) – telephone

7) – vase

8) – carpet

We have a very nice living room. There is a blue ______ (1) on the left when you come into the room. There are two ______ (2) on the wall over the sofa. There is a big TV-set _______ (3) the door, we like watching TV together. In the middle of the room there is a big ______ (4) with four _______ (5) around it. On the right of the door there is a shelf on the wall with a _______ (6) and a ______ (7) on it. We don’t have a _______ (8) on the floor in our living room.

400 – Listen and say: What is the favourite colour of the son? (blue)

500 – What material were most old Karelian houses made of? (wood)

Category “Family”

100 – Name 6 words over the topic “Family” (father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, children, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, cousin, …)

200 – It’s your mother’s sister… (aunt)

300 – Spell the word «усы» in English. (m-o-u-s-t-a-c-h-e)

400 – His father is Prince Charles, his grandmother is the Queen of England – Queen Elizabeth II. (Prince Charles)

500 – What does she look like? (Describe in 4 sentences at minimum)

Category “My Day”

100 – Spell the word «вечер» in English. (e-v-e-n-i-n-g)

200 – Name the jobs! (picture dictation: waiter, teacher, mechanic, postman, baker)

300 – What do you do after lunch? Name 3 things/ activities.

400 – Surprise! Match the pictures and the sentences – telling the time:

1) – B

2) – F

3) – A

4) – E

5) – D

6) – C

A) It’s ten minutes past twelve.

B) It’s ten minutes past ten.

C) It’s half past nine.

D) It’s twenty to eight.

E) It’s five to eight.

F) It’s a quarter past seven.

500 – Name the coins in Great Britain! (penny, pence, pound)

Category “Special Days”

100 – What celebration is it? (Thanksgiving Day)

200 – Surprise! A running dictation:

a carton of milk, a bowl of rice, a bottle of olive oil, a glass of milk, a loaf of bread.

(Представители от каждой команды одновременно бегут к доске, записывают фразу, продиктованную учителем, бегут к своей команде и передают «эстафету», бежит следующий участник, записывает следующую фразу. Побеждает команда, справившаяся с работой правильнее. Если обе команды записали всё верно, побеждает команда, выполнившая задание первой.)

300 – People in China eat noodles at their birthday parties. What does it symbolize? (Long noodles mean long life)

400 – It’s a spring festival in Russia. (Maslenitsa)

500 – Find mistakes in the sentences read by your teacher, correct them.

1) Chuseok is the Italian harvest festival. (It’s Korean Festival)

2) Thanksgiving is celebrated in America and Canada in May. (It is in November)

3) Roast goose with rise is a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. (It’s made of roast turkey and potatoes)

Category “Seasons”

100 – Spell the word «осень» in English. (a-u-t-u-m-n)

200 – Name all the months of the year starting with January.

300 – What can children do in winter? Name 4 activities! (skiing, skating, making snowmen, playing or fighting in the snow, sledging, riding snowmobile, playing hockey, ice fishing, …)

 400 – Name items of clothing! Which team knows more words? (команды по очереди называют предметы одежды, баллы забирает команда, за которой оказалось «последнее слово»)

500 – Listen and fill in the gaps in the song!

When spring is here, the world is new;

The grass is ____ (green), the sky is ____ (blue).

When summer comes, it’s very hot;

We can ___ (play) and ___(swim) a lot.

When ___ (autumn) is here, there’s wind and rain –

It’s time to stay indoors again.

When winter comes, the world is ____ (white).

___ (Snow) is such a lovely sight!

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Предварительный просмотр презентации

My Game – Spotlight 5

School Home Family My day Special Days Seasons

School , 100 Name the subject (lesson) where you play sports.

Home, 100 kitchen Spell the word «кухня» in English.

Family, 100 Name 6 words over the topic “Family”!

My day, 100 evening Spell the word «вечер» in English.

Special Days, 100 Thanksgiving Day What celebration is it?

Seasons, 100 autumn Spell the word «осень» in English.

School , 200 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday On what days of the week do you have English classes?

Home, 200 Surprise!

Family, 200 Your mother’s sister is your…

My day, 200 Name the jobs!  

Special Days, 200 It’s running dictation Surprise!

Seasons, 200 Name the months of the year starting with January.

School , 300 14 How many teachers have you got in the 5th form?

Home, 300 Look at the picture and fill in the gaps in the text.

Family, 300 moustache Spell the word «усы» in English.

My Day, 300 What do you do after lunch? (Name 3 things)

Special Days, 300 Long noodles mean long life. People in China eat noodles at their birthday parties. What does it symbolize?

Seasons, 300 What can children do in winter? (Name 4 activities)

School , 400 Science Listen and say what lesson Markus and David are going to.

Home, 400 blue Listen and say: What is the favourite colour of the son?

Family, 400 Prince William His father is Prince Charles, his grandmother is the English Queen, Elizabeth II.

My Day, 400 Match the pictures with the sentences.

Special Days, 400 Maslenitsa Spring festival in Russia

Seasons, 400 Name items of clothing! Which team knows more words?

School , 500 Primary school, Secondary school, Sixth form college, University What types of schools are there in Great Britain?

Home, 500 Wood What material were old Karelian house made of?

Family, 500 What does she look like?

My Day, 500 penny, pence, pound Name the coins of Great Britain! 

Special Days, 500 Listen and find mistakes.

Seasons, 500 Listen and fill in the gaps in the song! 

Thank you for your work! Thank you for your work!

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