Годовая итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку во 2 классе

1. Fill in “am”, “is”, “are”.
1. Tony ……a student. 8. We ….. clever.
2. I ….. a girl. 9. They …. students.
3. You … . from England. 10. The dog …. black.
4. He ….. my friend. 11. I ….. English.
5. Sally ….. my sister. 12. John and Joanna …. teachers.
6. Michael …..ten. 13. It …. a bear.
7. They … cows. 14.They ….. mice.
2. Choose the correct pronoun.
We are doctors. A) It B)We C)She 2…… is ten years old. A)He B)We C)They 3 … is a hat. A)You B)It C)I 4. … are cooks. A)They B)I C)She |
5. Where is Ines? … is at school. A)It B)She C)He 6. What is this? …. is a bus. A)She B)It C)They 7. This is Clara. …….. is my friend. A) He B)It C)She |
3. Напишите существительные во множественном числе.
A cat- cats, a hat - …….., a hen- ………., a bee- …….., a fox-………., a bus-………., a glass (cтакан) - ……………., a lady - ………., a baby - …………, a child - ………………., a man-……., a woman-…………….., a wife - ………….
4. Вставьте want или wants. 5. Вставьте Do или Does.
A. I ………….. to play with my dog. 1 …………. you like to run?
B. My sister and I …………… to run. 2……………Ann want to be a teacher?
C. My friends ……………….. to swim. 3………… your friend want to jump?
D. Nick …………… to be an engineer. 4…………...your friends like to read ?
E. Ann ……….. to be a teacher. 5………….. pupils want to play football
6. Запишите предложения из данных слов.
from, are, Russia, they
lives, big, a, she, in, city
fly, can, well, birds, very
want, don`t, go, park, to, the, to, we
Юлия Сергеевна Якимова