12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовала
Наталья Родина16
Россия, Тульская обл.

Лексико-грамматические тесты 5-6класс ( I-II четверть)



5 класс


1. Tom works at school. … is a teacher.

a)He b)She c)I

2. She… got three books in her schoolbag.

a) Haven’t b)Have c)Has

3. Ann and Kate… my friends.

a)Aren’t b)Isn’t c)Haven’t

4. The children… at a school.

a)Have b)Are c)Is

5. Dave and I are 11 years old. … are young.

a)They b)You c)We

6. This is a notebook and … is a book.

a)These b)Those c)That

7. … Linda got a family?

a)Does b)Has c)Is

8.Have … a skateboard?

a)She got b)Got we c)You got

9. … is a mobile phone.

a)These b)That c)Those

10. You and Ann… classmates.

a)Have b)Is c)Are

11. Sam has got … atlas.

a)A b)An c)These

12. Tina has got a TVset but she… got a computer.

a)Has b)Haven’t c)Hasn’t

13. Mary can sing but she … draw.

a)Isn’t b)Can’t c)Can

14. Whose is this chair? It’s…

a)John b)John’s c)Johns’

15. I put … pencil-case.

a)Tom b)Toms’ c)Tom’s

16. We take… books.

a)Children b)Children’s c)Childrens’

17. Can I borrow … pen, please?

a)You b)Your c)My

18. Those chairs … very old.

a)Is b)Are c)Have

19. I have got … eraser in my pencil case.

a)A b)An c)-

20…. Bill love his family?

a)Has b)Does c)Is



6 класс


1….basketball practice this afternoon?

a)Have we b)Have we got c)Have us got

2. He… a driver. He drives a taxi.

a)Is b)An c)Are

3. My uncle… a wife. Her name is Mary.

a)Have got b)Has got c)Haven it got

4. That red car is…

a)My b)Me c)Mine

5. Whose telephone number is this? It’s…

a)We b)Our c)Mine

6. Can I take … ice cream?

a)You b)Your c)Yours

7. Whose postcode is this? It’s…

a)He b)His c)Her

8….cats got big ears?

a)Do b)Have c)Are

9. Is she… sister?

a)Yours b)Hers c)His

10. They… my friend.

a) Aren’t b)Isn’t c)Haven’t

11….you like pizza?

a)Do b)Does c)Did

12. I like potatoes but my sister … spaghetti.

a)Like b)Liking c)Likes

13. Goodbye. See you … Sunday.

a)At b)On c)In

14. My friend… like milk.

a)Don’t b)Doesn’t c)Isn’t

15. …you study well?

a)Do b)Does c)Have

16. I like…watching TV.

a)Don’t b)Doesn’t c)Isn’t

17. My mum …to work every day.

a)Going b)Goes c)Go

18. My friend and I … TV on Mondays.

a)Watches b)Watch c)Doesn’t

19. I hate cooking. I… even make a salad.

a)Can b)Can’t c)Can

20. Ton is … Canada.

a)Under b)In c)An


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