12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Екатерина Максимовна Валтонен504
Россия, Москва, Москва
Материал размещён в группе «Урок английского (English lesson)»


Variant 1

1. Open the brackets:

1) When Liz (to walk) along the road, she suddenly (to meet) her friend.

2) Jack (to change) already his clothes five times today.

3) My friends (not to walk) in the park yesterday.

4) They (to celebrate) Mother's birthday tomorrow.

5) The pupils (to write) a dictation at 2 o'clock yesterday.

6) The train (to arrive) at 5:24 a.m.

7) The girls (to dust) the furniture for the whole day. She looks tired

8) When I (to arrive) at home yesterday, Alice (to read) the book which I (to present) her two days before.

9) The boys (not, to understand) what the sports coach (to tell) them about the game now.

10) We (to arrange) the party tomorrow at 5 o`clock. The tickets have already been sent to everyone.

11) Water (to freeze) at 0C.

12) She (always, to interrupt) me!

2. Make up questions:

1) The wind moved the leaves. (When?)

2) The train arrives at 12 o'clock. (General Question)

3) You will find yourself without any friends. (Special Question)

4) The squirrels are playing in the tree now.. (To the subject)

5) They were cleaning the carpet yesterday at 5 o'clock. (Tag Question)

6) They have already been reading this book for a month (Alternative)

7). Russian science has achieved great results. (Indirect)


Variant 2

1. Open the brackets:

1) When Liz (to walk) along the road, she suddenly met her friend.

2) Lions (to run) very fast.

3) Jane (to talk) over the telephone now.

4) His sister (watch tv) at 6 o'clock yesterday.

5) They (not to see) this cathedral yet.

6) Calvin and Sally (to go) to the picture gallery tomorrow.

7) My Mother (to take) care of our pet.

8) It (to snow) at 5 o'clock yesterday.

9) Ann already (to translate) this book.

10) Yesterday I (to paint) the picture in oils.

2. Make up questions:

1) The hare disappeared in the little bushes. (Where?)

2) The man is carrying a big box. (What?)

3) Mum feeds our pet every day. (How often?)

4) The plane will arrive in London at 2. (When?)

5) We have done the shopping already. (Where?)

6) They were drawing yesterday at 7 o'clock. (Where?)

3. Ask five types of questions: General, Special, Subject, Alternative, Tag.

This girl knits every day.


Variant 3

1. Open the brackets:

1) When I came home, my Granny (to knit).

2) This train always (to leave) at 7.

3) Mother (to sew) a new dress right now.

4) My grandparents (to plant) many kinds of vegetables in their garden this spring.

5) We (to walk) in the park yesterday.

6)I hope he (to pronounce) this word correctly tomorrow.

7) Squirrels often (to play) in springs.

8) As usual they (to discuss) football matches yesterday at 12 o'clock.

9) Ann (to clean) the carpet today.

10) The dog (to guard) his sleeping master yesterday.

2. Make up questions:

1) The children decorated the Christmas tree yesterday. (When?)

2) We are dancing now. (Where?)

3) The teacher greets the children every day. (How often?)

4) We will wish you "Happy New Year" tomorrow. (When?)

5) He has written a letter already. (What?)

6) Mary was helping her Mother about the house at 5 o'clock. (Where?)

3. Ask five types of questions: General, Special, Subject, Alternative, Tag.

The pupils have spelled all the words correctly.


Variant 4

1. Open the brackets:

1) We (to bring) hand-made sweets to her yesterday.

2) This train always (to leave) at 4.

3) Mother (to knit) a new dress right now.

4) My grandparents (not to buy) a new television yet.

5) When I came in, my friends (to discuss) football matches.

6) I hope he (to spell) this word correctly tomorrow.

7) Squirrels often (to play) in springs.

8) As usual they (to draw) pictures yesterday at 12 o'clock.

9) Ann (to clean) the carpet today.

10) The dog (to guard) his sleeping master yesterday.

2. Make up questions:

1) She has written a letter already. (What?)

2) Jack was repairing furniture at 5 o'clock. (Where?)

3) The teacher greets the children every day. (How often?)

4) We will wish you "Happy New Year" tomorrow. (When?)

5) The children decorated the Christmas tree yesterday. (When?)

6) They are dancing now. (Where?)

3. Ask five types of questions: General, Special, Subject, Alternative, Tag.

Birds sing songs in spring.

Опубликовано в группе «Урок английского (English lesson)»

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