"Haunted British castles"

Материал опубликован 6 February 2020 в группе

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя школа № 15 имени В.Н.Рождественского»


Haunted British castles

                                                                                      Метелева София Александровна,

                                                                                      МБОУ «СШ № 15»

                                                                                      имени В.Н.Рождественского

                                                                                      Научный руководитель:

                                                                                      Ушакова Е.В.

Глазов 2020



Chapter 1. Castles of Great Britain…………………………………………..4

Windsor Castle…………………………………………………………4

Corfe Castle…………………………………………………………….5

Edinburgh Castle……………………………………………………….5

Chapter 2. Haunted British castles………………………………………….6

2.1. The Tower………………………………………………………………..6

2.2. Glamis Castle…………………………………………………………….6

2.3. Warwick Castle…………………………………………………………..7

2.4. Chillingham Castle……………………………………………………….7

2.5. Duntrune Castle………………………………………………………….8

2.6. Muncaster Castle…………………………………………………………8

2.7. Carew Castle……………………………………………………………...9

Chapter 3. Practical part……………………………………………………..10


List of the literature…………………………………………………………..14



People have always been interested in something unusual and frightening. They are attracted with things that are difficult to explain. Castles appeared in the Middle Ages. They were built to protect people from enemies. However often owners were scared because they saw ghosts in their castles. Is it true that castles are haunted?

We have a lot of questions and we want to find answers to them. This theme is actual because people are interested in something mystical and want to explain the reason of strange things.

The problem question: Are British castles haunted?

The hypothesis: Information about ghosts in a castle is used to keep interest to this buildings and to attract tourists to visit castles.

The aim: to find out if castles can be haunted.


to find out general information about castles in Great Britain;

to tell about castles in Great Britain;

to tell about castles with ghosts in Great Britain;

to make a conclusion if castles can be haunted.

We used the following methods of investigation: learning literature, comparison, analysis, method of statistics.

There is valuable information about castles of Great Britain, so it can be useful for children, parents and teachers.

Chapter 1 Castles of Great Britain

Since ancient times Great Britain has been among the most significant countries in the world for Magic, Myths, Ghosts and Legends. Almost every town, city and village in this country has its own secret history.

Castles are an integral part of the British history. They first appeared in the 11th century during the Norman Conquest and continued to be constructed well into the 18th century. Castles were built to keep enemies out and to protect people. Today, there are hundreds of castles in England in various stages of restoration or states of decay. Many have become popular tourist destinations, offering visitors the chance to see how life in a real castle compares with storybook tales of towers, turrets and untold treasure.

There is a great list of castles in Great Britain. It is really difficult to choose the best ones. Windsor Castle, Corfe Castle, Edinburgh Castle are some of the greatest buildings. [10]

1.1 Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and the Official Residence of Her Majesty the Queen. The original castle was built after the Norman invasion by William the Conqueror but since the time of Henry I it has been used by a succession of monarchs. In 1992, a fire destroyed or damaged more than 100 rooms at the Castle. By good fortune the rooms worst affected were empty at the time, and as a result, few of the Castle’s artistic treasures were destroyed.

Windsor Castle is situated in Great Britain near London on the river Thames. It’s very old. Windsor Castle has got big walls and tall tower. The Queen of England and her family live in Windsor Castle. When the Queen is at home, there is the Royal Standard on the tower. When she is not in the castle, the flag of Great Britain is there. Windsor Castle is a big museum. Tourist can visit nice living rooms there. In one of the rooms they can see Queen Mary’s Dolls House. In its rooms there are small sofas and armchairs, tables and chairs, beds and bookcases with small books. There are small cars near the doll’s house. It is fantastic. [10]

1.2. Corfe Castle

The ruins of Corfe Castle rest on a hill near the village of the same name in the southern county of Dorset. Built in the 11th and 12th century, the castle was designed to intimidate would-be attackers with a limestone keep that stood 20 meters (70 feet) tall. The castle was famously defended for three years during the English Civil War by Lady Bankes. During the final attack, Lady Bankes rained hot coals down at Parliamentary soldiers from her personal chambers. Like many of the fortified castles in England, the inner keep of Corfe Castle was then slighted, or dismantled, by its captors so that it could not be used by Royalist forces. Arrow slits and murder holes are still visible in the castle ruins today. [2]

1.3. Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle is a world famous icon of Scotland and part of the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site.

This most famous of Scottish castles has a complex building history. The oldest part, St Margaret's Chapel, dates from the 12th century; the Great Hall was erected by James IV around 1510; the Half Moon Battery by the Regent Morton in the late 16th century; and the Scottish National War Memorial after the First World War.
The castle houses the Honours (Crown Jewels) of Scotland, the Stone of Destiny, the famous 15th century gun Mons Meg, the One O' Clock Gun and the National War Museum of Scotland. [4]

To sum up, castles are buildings that were built to protect people from enemies. Many of them were destroyed during the wars or in fire, some of them are very ancient, others are restored. A lot of tourists attract castles because they reflect the history and show how people lived in the past.

Chapter 2 Haunted British castles

Many tourists want to visit castles not only to admire beautiful and historic buildings, but also to see ghosts. It is believed that a lot of castles are haunted. Is it true? It is difficult to denote in which castle people can see ghosts. Some guides claim that all castles are haunted to attract tourists. Among the most famous castles with thrilling history there are the Tower, Glamis Castle, Warwick Castle, Chillingham Castle, Duntrune Castle, Muncaster Castle, Carew Castle and many others.

2.1. The Tower

The Tower of London is one of the most interesting historic sights of London. It is situated in the centre of London on the north bank of the River Thames.The Tower was founded during the Norman Conquest of England at the end of 1066. It has 20 towers and the most important of all is the White Tower, which was built by William the Conqueror.The Tower has a long and rich history. It has once been a royal palace, a fortress, a prison, a place of execution and even a zoo. Today, it’s mainly a historical museum.

Hundreds of ghost sightings have been reported in and around the Tower over the years. One of the most famous ghosts is Queen Anne Boleyn, one of the wives of Henry VIII, who was beheaded in the Tower in 1536. Queen Anne is buried under the chapel's altar and has been said to be walking around the White Tower carrying her head under her arm. [8]

2.2. Glamis Castle

Glamis is one of the most famous haunted castles in Great Britain. The family chapel and the Clock Tower are haunted by a 'Grey Lady' who is supposed to be Lady Janet Douglas who was burnt at the stake in 1537 on trumped-up charges of plotting to poison King Henry VIII.

Glamis Castle is also haunted by a woman who had her tongue cut out. She is seen running through the park pointing to her mutilated face.

A small Negro boy is seen on a stone seat by the Queen's bedroom.

And Alexander, Earl Crawford is said to wander around the castle. He was supposedly a cruel and twisted man who drank heavily. Many believe he’s in a secret room in the castle gambling with the devil for all eternity. The legend says, Alexandervisited the castle one Sunday night and asked everybody to come and play cards with him. Nobody wanted to do it. So he finally raged he’d play the Devil himself. His dream came true. Servants saw him playing in a room which was filled with a flaring light. Then the Devil and the earl disappeared.He’s said to still be playing cards, apparently in a secret room in the castle. His shouts have been reported throughout the castle to this day. [5]

2.3. Warwick Castle

Built in the eleventh century by William the Conqueror, the castle saw more battles than any other in Europe - much violence going on in his rooms. The most mysterious place recognized as the "ghost tower", which became home to the ghost of Sir Fulk Greville. He was killed by his servant in 1628, and now appears every evening from his portrait hanging on the wall of the tower.

Dungeon is another habitat of ghosts in the castle. Many complain of nausea and weakness when touching the rusty gratings and devices for torture. [9]

2.4. Chillingham Castle

The name of the castle is as cold as it is very dark place. Chillingham Castle was used for only one purpose - to kill. A certain John Sage worked here executioner-torturer for three years in the room of torture. As they say, he is tormented about fifty people a week. And today at night you can still hear John Sage drag the body around.

The Blue boy can be usually seen in the Pink room. It is a ghost of a boy in blue clothes. Tourists can see a blue light. The legend says that the boy and his mother were immured alive.

Mary Berkeley’s ghost appears from the portrait. This woman learnt that her husband had adultery with her sister and committed a suicide. [1]

2.5. Duntrune Castle

Duntrune Castle is located in the north of Scotland. It was originally built by the MacDougall clan in the 12th century. The castle is now owned by Robin Neill Malcolm.

The ghost of a handless piper is said to haunt the castle. According to one story, the Macdonald piper was sent into the castle as a spy, but was found out. He was imprisoned, but played his pipes to warn the Macdonalds that their 'surprise' attack was now expected. To punish the piper, his hands were cut off so that he may never play again.

Many visitors have said that they have heard ghostly pipes playing in the tower room. [3]

2.6. Muncaster Castle

Muncaster Castle is a privately owned castle overlooking the Eskriver. Castle is also one of the most haunted houses in Britain.

Paranormal investigators and scientists have been investigating the ghostly goings-on at Muncaster since 1992. One of the most famous haunted rooms at Muncaster Castle is the Tapestry room. Guests staying the night in the room have also heard a woman singing, ghostly footsteps, doors swinging open and the feeling of hands touching them at night or even throwing them from the bed.

Muncaster's most famous ghost is Tom Fool (Tomas Skelton). Tom was a dark character responsible for a number of deaths during his time at Muncaster. [7]

2.7. Carew Castle

Carew Castle is a castle in the Wales. The famous Carew family take their name from the place, and still own the castle. The ghosts are said to haunt the castle. 

The beautiful Princess Nest is one of them. She lived in the castle with her husband Alexander de Carew when Owain Glindor captured her. The princess was said to have had 21 children with 6 different men until she was finally returned to her husband. Sadly however he died in battle shortly afterwards and to this day Nests ghost is said to haunt the ruins waiting to Gerald to return. 

Tourists prefer to visit castles with mystery. It is unusual and thrilling to listen to awful stories about ghosts. Maybe, the British invented many stories to attract more people. However, every castle is beautiful and unforgettable, even if it doesn’t have ghosts. [6]

Chapter 3 Practical part

In our practical part we have made a survey among students of the fifth forms (A,B,C) of school number 15. We asked 74 pupils to answer six questions:

What is a castle?

In what countries can you see castles?

Can castles be haunted?

Would you like to visit a castle?

Would you like to see a ghost in a castle?

We can make a conclusion that 23 % of students can say what a castle is. (It is a fortified building, made to protect from people from enemies.)

58 % of students were right that we can see castles in such countries as Great Britain, Scotland, Germany, Russia, France, the USA and many others.

60 % of children believe that castles can be haunted.

71 % want to visit a castle.

60 % would like to see a ghost in a castle.

To conclude, children of school number 15 are keen on history and castles. They would like to visit a castle. Most of the children also want to see a ghost. Some of them believe that there are paranormal phenomena, others admire the beauty of medieval buildings and want to feel the atmosphere of the past. Also students think that foreign countries are worth visiting because children are interested in English and culture of English – speaking countries.


Castles are buildings that appeared in the 11th century and were constructed till the 18th one. They were built to keep enemies out and to protect people. Today there are a lot of castles popular among the tourists.

Windsor Castle situated on the river Thames near London is the residence of the Queen. When the Queen is at home, there is the Royal Standard on the tower. When she is not in the castle, the flag of Great Britain is there. It is also a museum.

Corfe Castle is one of the most ancient buildings. It was made in the 11th century.

Edingburgh Castle is located on the mountain. Tourists can have a stunning view from the castle. It is one of the symbols of Scotland. It was a fortress, a prison and now it is a museum.

Tower, built by William the Conqueror, is one of the symbols of London. It was a royal palace, a fortress, a prison, a place of execution and even a zoo. Today, it’s a historical museum. Hundreds of ghosts have been seen there for many centuries. One of them is Queen Anne Boleyn, one of the wives of Henry the VIII. She was beheaded. Now some tourists can see her walking around the White Tower carrying her head under her arm.

Glamis Castle is a scary place. One of the ghosts Grey Lady belongs to burnt Lady Janet Douglas.  Alexander, Earl Crawford is said to wander around the castle. He was the duke who wanted to play cards with a devil, but suddenly disappeared after the game. Tourists sometimes hear his shouts in the castle. The ghost of a small Negro is seen near the Queen’s bedroom.

Warwick Castle is famous for “the ghost tower”. Here tourists can see Sir Fulk Greville who was killed by his servant in and now appears every evening from his portrait hanging on the wall of the tower.

People say Chillingham Castle was used for only one purpose - to kill. John Sage has executed about fifty people a week for three years. And today at night you can still hear John Sage drag the body around. The Blue boy can be usually seen in the Pink room. It is a ghost of a boy in blue clothes. The legend says that the boy and his mother were immured alive. Mary Berkeley’s ghost appears from the portrait. This woman learnt that her husband had adultery with her sister and committed a suicide.

Duntrune castle, built in the 12th century, is famous for the ghost of a handless piper .According to one story, the Macdonald piper was sent into the castle as a spy, but was found out. He was imprisoned, but played his pipes to warn the Macdonalds that their 'surprise' attack was now expected. To punish the piper, his hands were cut off so that he may never play again. Many visitors heard pipes playing in the tower.

Muncaster's most famous ghost is Tom Fool (Tomas Skelton). Tom was a dark character who killed many people. Tourists can see a woman singing, footsteps, and doors swinging open and feel hands touching them at night or even throwing them from the bed.

Carew Castle is situated in Wales. The beautiful Princess Nest is said to wait for her husband died during the battle.

Here are the examples of the most beautiful castles, many of them are haunted. Students of school number 15 are also interested in history and castles, especially haunted. Most of the children want to visit a castle and to see a ghost. But all of them think that British castles are beautiful and they reflect the history and help to understand how people in the middle ages lived.

To sum up, it is not really proved if people can see a ghost in a castle. There are some unusual things in these medieval buildings. Maybe, people are so scared when they visit castles that they think they see something mystical. Probably, they are so interested that they invent frightening stories.

We have understood that students of school number 15 are also fond of medieval castles. Most of them want to visit buildings. More than half also would like to see a ghost because it is so thrilling and unusual.

The aim of the work is achieved. We learnt that castles can be haunted but it is difficult to explain

The hypothesis is proved. Travel agencies claim that castles are haunted to attract tourists to visit these buildings and the countries where they can be found.

The work is very valuable for students because they have learnt different castles and have been attracted with ghosts.

List of the literature

Chillingham Castle .Ghosts. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа// https:// chillingham-castle.com

Corfe Castle. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа// https:// britishrambling.com

Duntrune Castle. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа// https://wikipedia.org

Edinburgh castle.[Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа// https://www.visitscotland.com

Glamis Castle. Ghosts. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа// https://hauntedrooms.co.uk

Great Castles. Legends. Ghosts of Carew Castle. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа// https://great-castles.com

Muncaster Castle. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа// https://https://en.wikipedia.org

TheTower. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа// https://www.en365.ru

Warwick Castle. Ghosts. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа// https:// hauntedrooms.co.uk

Windsor castle. [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа// https:// www.britain-magazine.com


t1580996336aa.jpgWindsor Castle



Corfe Castle


t1580996336ac.jpgEdinburgh Castle


t1580996336ad.jpgThe Tower


t1580996336ae.jpgGlamis Castle


t1580996336af.jpgWarwick Castle


t1580996336ag.jpgChillingham Castle

Appendix 8

t1580996336ah.jpgDuntrune Castle

Appendix 9

t1580996336ai.jpgMuncaster Castle

Appendix 10

t1580996336aj.jpgCarew Castle

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