Презентация на тему «British Religious Holiday. Easter» (Английский язык, тема «Пасха»)

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Презентация с историей Пасхи с практическими упражнениями.
British Holiday Easter (Бессмертнова)
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Презентация с историей Пасхи с практическими упражнениями.
British Holiday Easter (Бессмертнова)
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Пояснительная записка Название презентации - British Religious Holiday. Easter Предмет – иностранный язык (английский) Тема – Праздники англоязычных стран Аудитория – 6-9 классы Цель: 1) ознакомление с историями, обычаями и традициями празднование Пасхи в англоязычных странах; 2) воспитание толерантности к иностранным праздникам; 3) воспитание патриотизма; 4) заинтересованность в изучении английского языка, истории, обычаев и традиций быта и праздников англоязычных стран. Работа с презентацией: лекция, практическое задание
British Religious Holiday Easter
Origin of the Holiday Originally it was a Jewish holiday. The Jews prepared lamb for sacrifice and desalted (without salt) bread for eating
On the night of Jesus’ seizure, Jesus and his disciples were celebrating Easter. It was the Lord’s Supper. They drank wine and ate desalted bread. Before presenting in front of royal guards Jesus broke bread (host) and shared it among his disciples and drank wine (blood) On the night of Jesus’ seizure, Jesus and his disciples were celebrating Easter. It was the Lord’s Supper. They drank wine and ate desalted bread. Before presenting in front of royal guards Jesus broke bread (host) and shared it among his disciples and drank wine (blood)
Friday before Easter is called Good Friday Friday before Easter is called Good Friday “Good” had an old meaning, “holy”. Therefore, “Good Friday” means “Holy Friday” Church performs a special service in memory of Jesus’ sacrifice They bake hot-cross buns
On Sunday when people went to Jesus’ burial site it was empty. On Sunday when people went to Jesus’ burial site it was empty. They announced the Jesus’ resurrection, saying “Christ has risen” From now on, Easter as the day of Christ’s resurrection is celebrated all over the world among Christians.
Facts about Easter Easter comes from the name of Eastra, Saxon Goddess of fruitfulness and richness. Easter means “spring” There is no exact date for Easter celebration. It takes place in the end of March or at the beginning of April
The symbols of Easter in Europe, the USA and Canada are eggs (new life) and rabbit, or Easter Bunny (fruitfulness) or a hen. The symbols of Easter in Europe, the USA and Canada are eggs (new life) and rabbit, or Easter Bunny (fruitfulness) or a hen. People boil and decorate eggs to show their love and respect to this day. Chocolate eggs are very popular among kids because not everybody likes eggs. Chocolate eggs attract them and help to support the tradition of Easter celebration.
Egg hunt is one of the most popular activity for families and kids. The aim is to collect as more hidden eggs as possible Egg hunt is one of the most popular activity for families and kids. The aim is to collect as more hidden eggs as possible
Today, thanks to Royal family, Big Egg Hunting is possible for all tourists. Today, thanks to Royal family, Big Egg Hunting is possible for all tourists. There are 200 hundred egg monuments all over London. The one who finds more eggs wins $150 000
Now it’s time for practice!
Find the definitions 1. Host a) A mark, symbol made of 2 lines Resurrection b) A person who believes in ideas and supports it Sacrifice c) Holy bread Cross d) An animal that is killed for good 5. Disciple e) The act of returning to life
Answers 1. Host c) Holy bread Resurrection e) The act of returning to life Sacrifice d) An animal that is killed for good Cross a) A mark, symbol made of 2 lines 5. Disciple b) A person who believes in ideas and supports it
True/ False Big Egg Hunt is the idea of Church Chocolate eggs are popular among children The Jews drank wine and ate salted bread on Easter They celebrate Easter in March (or April) They decorate houses with flowers Hot-cross buns are baked on Good Friday
True/false (answers) False True False True False True
Answer the questions What does the word “easter” mean? Which phrase is widely pronounced on Easter? Name 2 symbols of the Lord’s Supper What do a bunny and the Eastra, the goddess, have in common with one another? What do people do on Egg hunt?
Answers Easter means “spring”/Eastercomes from the name of Eastra, Saxon Goddess of fruitfulness and richness. “Christ has risen” Bread and wine They both mean fruitfulness and richness On Easter people try to find hidden eggs
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