Интеллектуальная игра «Спорт». Раунд 1

Материал опубликован 30 March 2022

Пояснительная записка к презентации


КЛАСС: 6-11

ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ РАБОТЫ С ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЕЙ: презентация состоит из 6 вопросов по теме "Спорт" и является первым туром игры(будут предствлены 3 раунда викторины разной сложности  на моей странице), к каждому вопросы даны 4 варианта ответов. На втором слайде вы найдете правила игры. После вопросов следуют слайды-ответы с продублированными вопросами и правильными ответами, а так же слайды с кратким объяснением ответов. Презентация может быть использована на любом из этапов изучения темы "Спорт" или в качестве интеллектуальной игры для развития общей эрудиции. Учащиеся могут играть в группах или индивидуально (личное первенство)

Предварительный просмотр презентации


ROUND ONE. Six questions with 4 possible answers. 30 seconds per question. One point for each correct answer.

Question 1. What five colours make up the Olympic rings? black, blue, yellow, red, green black, white, yellow, red, green black, blue, yellow, orange, green black, purple, yellow, red, green

Question 2. In which sport do teams compete to win the Stanley Cup? football Hockey Tennis basketball

Question 3. In which country were the first Olympic Games held? Italy Russia Spain greece

Question 4. What colour belt are martial arts experts entitled to wear? White Yellow Green black

Question 5. How long is the total distance of a marathon? 48.195 km 46.195 km 42.195 km 40.195 km

Question 6. What sport is described as “the beautiful game”? Rugby Tennis Football Volleyball

Question 1. What five colours make up the Olympic rings? a) black, blue, yellow, red, green

The Olympic flag was created under the guidance of Baron de Coubertin in 1913 and was released in 1914. The five rings represent the five continents of the world but also contain the colours which are common to almost all flags around the world. The Olympic flag was created under the guidance of Baron de Coubertin in 1913 and was released in 1914. The five rings represent the five continents of the world but also contain the colours which are common to almost all flags around the world.

Question 2. In which sport do teams compete to win the Stanley Cup? b) hockey

Stanley Cup, trophy awarded to the winner of the world’s professional ice hockey championship, an annual play-off that culminates the season of the National Hockey League. Stanley Cup, trophy awarded to the winner of the world’s professional ice hockey championship, an annual play-off that culminates the season of the National Hockey League.

Question 3. In which country were the first Olympic Games held? D) greece

The Olympic Games were originated in ancient Greece as many as 3,000 years ago. From the 8th century B.C. to the 4th century A.D., the Games were held every four years in Olympia in honor of the god Zeus. The first modern Olympics took place in 1896 in Athens, and featured 280 participants from 12 nations, competing in 43 events. The Olympic Games were originated in ancient Greece as many as 3,000 years ago. From the 8th century B.C. to the 4th century A.D., the Games were held every four years in Olympia in honor of the god Zeus. The first modern Olympics took place in 1896 in Athens, and featured 280 participants from 12 nations, competing in 43 events.

Question 4. What colour belt are martial arts experts entitled to wear? d) black

Question 5. How long is the total distance of a marathon? c) 42.195 km

The marathon is a long-distance foot race with a distance of 42.195 kilometres. The marathon can be completed by running or with a run/walk strategy. The marathon is a long-distance foot race with a distance of 42.195 kilometres. The marathon can be completed by running or with a run/walk strategy.

Question 6. What sport is described as “the beautiful game”? c) Football

The Beautiful Game is a nickname for association football. It was popularised by the Brazilian footballer Pelé The Beautiful Game is a nickname for association football. It was popularised by the Brazilian footballer Pelé

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