Итоговый тест по английскому языку для студентов СПО

Материал опубликован 4 June 2020

Final test. Words and grammar.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Resistance equals voltage divided by ... . 

a. law                                                   b. current                              c. conductivity

2. The circuit consists of a voltage source, a resistor and  ... .

 a. a conductor                                     b. a current                           c. a short

3. An open and ... are troubles in a circuit.

a.  a source                                         b.  a shorts                             c.   a short

4.  A ... circuit has the main line and parallel branches.

a. line                                                 b. parallel                                c. series

5. The ohmmeter is used to measure the value of ... .

a. current                                          b. conductivity                         c. resistance

6.  A resistor is used to ... the value of current in the  circuit.

a. rate                                              b. reuse                                      c. reduce

7.  If a cell has a trouble it should be ... by another one.

a. substituted                                  b. lighted                                   c. increased

8.  A ... is used to store electric energy.

a. conductor                                  b. capacitor                                c. resistor

9. Copper and silver are common .... .

a. conductors                                b. capacitors                               c. insulators

10. Insulators are materials having very ... resistance.

a. high                                           b. low                                          c. short

11. They will pass the exam if they .... ready  for it

a. gets                                           b. will get                                     c. get

12. I ... you as soon as I finish this work.

a. tell                                             b. telled                                        c. will tell

13. We  … Rome three years ago.

 a. visited                                      b. will  visited                              c. visits

14. Mary  usually… to work by car.

a. get                                             b. got                                            c. gets

15. The project ….  yesterday.

 a. discuss                                    b. was  discussed                           c. was  discuss

16. New equipment … tomorrow.

 a. install                                      b. installed                                    c. will  be installed

17. These toys …. in China.

 a. are made                                 b. is make                                      c. make

18. Your hair ... every day.

 a. grow                                       b. is grown                                     c. grows

19. We ... a nice weekend yesterday.

a. has                                           b. had                                             c. have

20. .. his parents in France last month?

 a. are                                          b. will be                                         c. were

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