12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Тергалинская Ирина Владимировна423
учитель иностранного языка, классный руководитель, наставник
Россия, Ульяновская обл., Димитровград

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

Card 1.Module 4. Class6. Card 1.Module 4. Class6.

1.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed. 1.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

2.I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth. 2.I usually watch TV before/then I go to bed.

3.I get up then/when my alarm clock rings. 3.On Fridays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

4.On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping. 4.She has her breakfast before/when she brushes her teeth.

5.He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed. 5.Tom watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.


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