Контрольная работа №1 по английскому языку

Материал опубликован 13 September в группе

5 класс

Контрольная работа №1

Задание 1. Впишите верное, подходящее по смыслу слово. Обратите внимание на первую букву слова (10 points)

  1. Do you have an e……? I need to fix something in my pencil sketch".
  2. After a test each pupil hands their n……. to the teacher.
  3. For a Math lesson, you should always bring a r….. or draw the figures accurately.
  4. If your pencil breaks, just use the s….
  5. I need a p.. c.. to keep my pencils.
  6. Mr Brown has no hair. He is b…
  7. Mary has got blond wavy h…
  8. My mum has got green e….
  9. Jenna is our English teacher. She is form the USA. She is A…
  10. Shrek is tall and u…

Задание 2. Распределите данные слова по категориям ниже: beard, old, plump, moustache, young, tall, dark, thin, short, red (10 points)

  1. Age:
  2. Height:
  3. Hair:
  4. Build:
  5. Facial Features:

Задание 3. Выберите верный вариант (10 points)

  1. He has got ____ eraser. (am / is / are /an / a)
  2. I ___ 12 years old. (am / is / are /an / a)
  3. They have got ___ yellow desk. (am / is / are /an / a)
  4. We ___ in Grade 5. (am / is / are /an / a)
  5. This is ____blackboard. (am / is / are /an / a)
  6. You ____ new in our class. (am / is / are /an / a)
  7. She has got ____ bag. (am / is / are /an / a)
  8. This is ____ apple. (am / is / are /an / a)
  9. Jennifer and I _____ classmates. (am / is / are /an / a)
  10. Today it ____Saturday. (am / is / are /an / a)

Задание 4. Вставьте have или has (5 points)

  1. She _____ got a pencil.
  2. I ____ got a letter from my cousin.
  3. Mr Parson ____ got a hat and gloves.
  4. Andy and Tom _____ got new snickers as their birthday presents.
  5.  ______ we got any blue ribbons?

Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, употребив каждое существительное в нужной форме множественного числа (10 points)

  1. My mother is a cook. She brings her own  _______ (knife) to work.
  2. I think  _______ (woman) are good at everything.
  3. For this pie Susan needs eight  _______  (peach) .
  4. Oh no! I don't have my  _______(key) !
  5. Lily has got three  _________(doll) .
  6. Cats have nine ________(life)
  7. My grandparents keep five _____ (sheep) on their farm.
  8. We usually have 32 ______ (tooth) in our mouth.
  9. You need two _____ (potato) for soup.
  10. There are three young _____ (lady) in the park.

Задание 6. Прочтите письмо и отметьте каждое предложение буквой T( true), если оно верное, буквой F (false), если оно неверное. (5 points)

Dear Mary,

How are you doing? I'm a little sad because it's autumn and we go to school again. I have got so many things in my handbag. It is very heavy. Every day I bring my books and notebooks, two pens, two pencils and a rubber in my pencil case to school. I bring one more pen and one more pencil in case my friends haven't got them. On Thursdays, I bring my atlas and my guitar for a music lesson. I play in the school orchestra. It is amazing.



  1. Julia brings her atlas to school every day.
  2. Julia plays the guitar.
  3. There is a school orchestra.
  4. Julia hasn’t got a rubber.
  5. Julia brings a pen and a pencil for her friend at school.


Задание 1

  1. eraser
  2. notebooks
  3. ruler
  4. sharpener
  5. paper clips
  6. bald
  7. hair
  8. eyes
  9. American
  10. ugly

Задание 2.

  1. Age: young, old
  2. Height: tall, short
  3. Hair: dark, red
  4. Build: plump, thin
  5. Facial Features: beard, moustache

Задание 3.

  1. an
  2. am
  3. a
  4. are
  5. a
  6. are
  7. a
  8. an
  9. are
  10. is

Задание 4.

  1. has
  2. have
  3. has
  4. have
  5. have

Задание 5.

  1. knives
  2. women
  3. peaches
  4. keys
  5. dolls
  6. lives
  7. sheep
  8. teeth
  9. potatoes
  10. ladies

Задание 6.

  1. False
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False
  5. False
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