12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Гимадиева Лидия Вячеславовна30

  Контрольная  работа по английскому языку за первую четверть в 7 классе. 

Вариант 1 

1.       Fill in a/an/some.

1.......... tea                          5  ..........money                    9  ..........coat

2..........chair                         6 ..........leaf                         10  ..........cakes

3.......... potatoes                    7..........sandwich                 11 ..........sugar

4..........cup                             8..........cheese                    12  ..........elephant

2.      Fill in many/much.

13He always asks ............. questions.

14Has she got ............. books?

15I don’t buy ............. food in this supermarket.

16There aren’t ............. houses in the street.

17.............. people come to Moscow in summer .

18You mustn’t drink so ............. coffee.

3.      Form new words to fill the gaps.

19She is a well-known ................ of children stories.             WRITE       

20There was an international ............. of foreign students.     MEET

21Those photos have made a great ............. on me.                IMPRESS

22John is fond of sport. He goes in for ............. .                    DIVE

23Do you know who is the ............. of this piece of art?        CREATE

24Look at the ............. map and find the answers, please.      INFORM

4.      Choose the right variant of the verb form.

25The lesson ............. five minutes ago.

a)      begins          b) began          c)will begin

26Sam’s friends ............. a party next Saturday.

a)      will have         b) have          c) had

27We ............. never .......... English pudding.

a) are eating          b) will eat          c) have eaten

28The Smiths usually ............ their holidays at the seaside.

a) spent          b) were spending          c) spend

29She ............. an interesting book at the moment.

a) is reading          b) reads          c) will read

5. Form the sentences.

30last/ he/ English/ year/did/ study ?

31morning/ I/ exercises/ a lot of/ do/ in/ the .

32on/ talking/ the/ who/ phone/ is/ now ?

33been/ London/ have/ ever/ you/ to ?

34breakfast/ tomorrow/ will/ for/ have/ you/ what ?



Контрольная  работа по английскому языку за первую четверть в 7 классе.

Вариант 2


1.       Fill in a/an/some.

1.......... juice                        5..........food                 9..........shirt

2..........table                         6..........window          10 .........sweets

3.......... tomatoes                7 ..........crocodile         11..........porridge

4..........tree                          8.........ham                  12..........orange


2.      Fill in many/much.

13 Usually she doesn’t spend ............. money.

14 Has he got ............. friends?

15 I don’t eat ............. meat for dinner.

16 There wasn’t ............. furniture in their  flat.

17 They can’t see .............. cars near the airport.

18 You mustn’t eat ............. cakes.


3.      Form new words to fill the gaps.

19 She is a well-known ................ of children stories.             WRITE       

20 There was an international ............. of foreign students.     MEET

21 Those photos have made a great ............. on me.                IMPRESS

22 John is fond of sport. He goes in for ............. .                    DIVE

23 Do you know who is the ............. of this piece of art?        CREATE

24 Look at the ............. map and find the answers, please.      INFORM

4.      Choose the right variant of the verb form.

25 The pupils ............. to the museum an hour ago.

а)      go          b) will go        c) went 

26 Jill’s parents ............. back in two days.

а)      will come         b) came          c) come

27 He ............. never .......... hot milk.

a) has drunk          b) will drink         c) was drinking

28 The Browns always ........... small presents to their guests.

a) gave          b) give          c) have given

29 She ............. an interesting film at the moment.

a) is watching          b) will watch      c) watches

5. Form the sentences.

30 last/ he/ English/ year/did/ study ?

31 morning/ I/ exercises/ a lot of/ do/ in/ the .

32 on/ talking/ the/ who/ phone/ is/ now ?

33 been/ London/ have/ ever/ you/ to ?

34 breakfast/ tomorrow/ will/ for/ have/ you/ what ?



Критерии оценивания контрольной работы в 7 классе за 1 четверть

Общий балл – 34

95-100 % - 32- 34 балла – оценка «отлично» - 5
75-94 % - 26-31 балл – оценка «хорошо» - 4
50-79 % - 17-25 баллов – оценка «удовлетворительно» - 3
16 баллов и менее – оценка «неудовлетворительно» - 2


Ключи для контрольной работы в 7 классе за 1 четверть


I вариант


1. 1some tea         7a sandwich 

   2 a chair           8some cheese                     

    3some potatoes  9 a coat

   4 a cup              10 some cakes

    5some money    11 some sugar

   6 a leaf               12an elephant

      2. 13many

         14 many

        15  much

         16 many

         17 many

         18 much

      3. 19writer


         21 impression

         22 diving


         24 information

      4. 25b)

         26 a)

         27 c)

         28 c)

         29 a)

      5.  30Did he study English last year?

          31 I do a lot of exercises in the morning.

           32Who is talking on the phone now?

           33Have you ever been to London?

           34What will you have for breakfast tomorrow?

II вариант


1. 1some juice         7 a crocodile 

   2a table                8some jam                     

   3some tomatoes    9a shirt

   4a tree                 10some sweets

   5some food          11 some porridge

  6 a window            12an orange

      2. 13much


         15 much



         18 many

      3. 19writer




         23 creator


      4. 25c)


         27 a)

         28 b)

         29 a)

      5.  30Did he study English last year?

           31I do a lot of exercises in the morning.

           32Who is talking on the phone now?

           33Have you ever been to London?

           34What will you have for breakfast tomorrow?


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