Контрольная работа по английскому языку «Sport and Outdoor Activities» (8 класс)

Материал опубликован 15 January 2021

Данная контрольная работа предназначена для контроля лексико-грамматических навыков учащихся 8 класса, раздел "Sport and Outdoor Activities" УМК «Rainbow English» О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса, УМК Rainbow English» Афанасьевой О.В, Михеевой И.В., Барановой К.М., раздел 1 «Sport and Outdoor Activities»

Variant I

1. Choose an odd word out

1) badminton, baseball, water polo, running

2) walking, yoga, hunting, mountaineering

3) advantage, athlete, excited, athletic

4) central, comical, excitement, heroic

5) battle, race, taste, event

2. Choose the right word

1) That day Jane felt so happy she could smile/cry.

2) Do you watch matches of your favorite team/crew on TV?

3) The pupils ended/finished decorating the hall late in the afternoon.

4) No one liked the dish it was rather tasteless/tasteful.

5) In the evening tourists ended up/with near one of the famous monuments.

6) You are the only person who can do it, nobody/ somebody else can do it.

3. Complete the sentences. Use past perfect.

1) Roy (to finish) classes by 4 p.m. yesterday.

2) Ann (to have) breakfast by 9 a.m. yesterday.

3) I saw Helen yesterday, she (not to change) a bit.

4) When I came home, my mum (to cook) dinner.

5) Steve (to buy) some sportswear by the time Nick met him.

4. Form the new words.

Athlete, biology, wonder, jump, nature

5. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into past simple/past perfect.

1) When I (to meet) John, I (to understand) that I (not to meet) him before.

2) They (to go) home after the film (to finish)

3) The children (to go) to the skating rink as soon as they (return) from the museum.

4) Sue (to like) the new game though she never (to play) it before.

5) By the end of the Olympic Games our team (to win) ten medal.

Variant II

1. Choose an odd word out.

1) football, judo, water polo, tennis

2) skiing, weightlifting, hunting, karate

3) advantage, athlete, excited, athletic

4) central, comical, excitement, heroic

5) battle, race, taste, event

2. Choose the right word.

1) That day Jane felt so sad she could smile/cry .

2) We ended the concert with/in our new song.

3) Do you like this plane’s crew/team?

4) The girls ended/finished making the postcard late in the afternoon.

5) In the evening tourists ended up/with near one of the beautiful palaces.

3. Complete the sentences. Use past perfect.

1) Rose (to wash) her uniform by 6 p.m. yesterday.

2) Dick (to watch) a film on TV by 10 a.m. yesterday.

3) Mum gave me a sandwich because I (not to have) lunch.

4) When I came home, my sister (to clean) the room.

5) Steve (to begin) doing yoga by the time Nick met him.

4. Form the new words.

History, nation, beauty, medicine, skate

5. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into past simple/past perfect.

1) When the second group of tourists (arrive) in London, the first group (to leave).

2) She (tell) us about places she (see) while she was travelling in Britain.

3) Mike (to play) ten games by the end of the season.

4) By the end of the World Championship the national team (win) 12 medals.

5) When I (to meet) Jane, I (to understand) that I (see) her before.


Variant I

Ex.1: 1) running 2) yoga 3) excited 4) excitement5) taste

Ex.2:1) smile 2) team 3) finished 4) tasteless 5) ended up 6) nobody

Ex.3: 1) had finished 2) had had 3) had not changed 4) had cooked  5) had bought

Ex.4: athletic, biological, wonderful, jumping, natural

Ex.5: 1) met, understood, had not met 2) went, had finished 3) went, had returned 4) liked, had never played 5) had bought

Variant II

Ex.1:1 1) judo 2) karate 3) excited 4) excitement5) taste

Ex.2:1) smile 2) with  3) crew  4) finished 5) ended up

Ex.3: 1) had washed 2) had watched 3) had not had 4) had  cleaned  5) had begun

Ex.4: historic, national, beautiful, medical, skating

Ex.5: 1) arrived, had left 2) told, had seen, 3) had  played  4)had won 5) met , understood, had not  seen

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