Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе

Материал опубликован 22 October 2019 в группе

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе

1. Fill in the article a/an or no articles.

1) I haven’t got …mobile. 2) Do you like … orange juice? 3) Boris never wear … uniform. 4) What do we use … glue for? 5) Fanny doesn’t drink … milk. 6) There is little … paper in my desk. 7) There is no … water in the jug. 8) Is there … chalk in the classroom? 9) I like … cats. 10) Give me … cup of tea please.

2. Use must or mustn’t.

1) You… go out. It is raining.

2) Your room is messy. You …. do your room and wash the floor.

3) Bob has a high temperature. He … go to school.

4) Its eleven o’clock .Betty… eat much chocolate.

5) You… play in the street. It’s dangerous.

3. Use no one, everybody or everything, in these sentences.

1)….is green and beautiful in spring. 2)….likes cold and rainy days in autumn. 3) is yellow, green and red in autumn forest. 4)….plays games out of doors in rainy weather. 5)…likes to go to the beach when it is hot weather.


4. Match the questions with their answers.

1) Do you want to buy any plums? A) I think so. Let’s take our umbrellas with us.

2) Are there any cabbages at home? B) Tomorrow, I think.

3) Is it raining heavily? C) I think, we shall stay at home.

4) What shall we do if it rains? D) No, I don’t. My son doesn’t like them.

5) What shall we read we read? E) I don’t know. Let’s buy some.

6) When will you come back? F) I don’t know. There are different books here.


5. Choose the correct form.

1. This is (my/mine) university.

2. Doctor Smith, is this (your, yours) patient? – Yes, Polly is (my/mine) patient.

3. (Their/theirs) friends Douglas is a journalist.

4. I am going to answer all (her/hers) questions.

5. (Our/ours) dream was to travel in Spain.

6. We gave them (our/ours address and they gave us (their/theirs).

7. Which bag is (her/hers).

6.Choose the verb.

a) Where (is\ are) the money. It (is \are) on the shelf.

b) Where (is\ are) the apples. They (is\ are) on the table.

c) What color (is\ are) the flag. It (is \are) red.

d) Where (is\ are) students. They (is\are) at school.

e) The news (is\ are) interesting.

f) Children (is \are) in the swimming pool.


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