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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Юкович Елена Николаевна509
Россия, Калининградская обл., п. Нивенское Багратионовский район

Контрольная работа по письму за 3 четверть по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса

Контрольная работа по письму для учащихся 5 класса

3 четверть 2017-2018 учебного года


Great Britain

____________19th, 2018

_________ Mary,

Yesterday my family and I went to the ______________. We __________ there on foot because it is near our ________. ________circus we ______ a lot of ____________, clowns, __________ , musicians and ___________animals. They were dogs, __________ and horses. My mother _________a big brown dog. It ________ the piano. My father liked clowns. They played different ____________. My sister and I liked the chimps. They _________ a lot. It was real ________!

We _________ some photos. Here are they. I hope you`ll like them.

Best wishes,



At the , trained, tricks, acrobats, Dear, March, chimps, circus, house, saw, jugglers, liked , played, danced, fun, took, went.

Контрольная работа по письму для учащихся 5 класса с ОВЗ

3 четверть 2017-2018 учебного года


Great Britain

____________19th, 2018

_________ Mary,

Yesterday my family and I went to the circus. We __________ there on foot because it is near our ________. At the circus we ______ a lot of jugglers, clowns, __________ , musicians and , trained animals. They were dogs, __________ and horses. My mother _________a big brown dog. It ________ the piano. My father liked clowns. They played different tricks. My sister and I liked the chimps. They _________ a lot. It was real ________!

We _________ some photos. Here are they. I hope you`ll like them.

Best wishes,



acrobats, Dear, March, chimps, house, saw, liked , played, danced, fun, took, went.

Опубликовано в группе «Наши интересные уроки по английскому языку»

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