Кроссворд по английскому языку для 6 класса на тему «Пасха» (Easter)

1) A folded piece of paper with a picture on the front and a message inside that you send to someone to express an Easter greeting is called an Easter …
4) If someone says: “Christ is risen!” on Easter day, one should reply “He is risen …”
5) In the Christian religion, Jesus's return to life after he was killed.
7) Roast … is a traditional dish for a family Easter dinner in Western countries.
8) Egg … is a traditional Easter activity in which chocolate eggs, decorated eggs, or sweets are hidden for children to find.
9) An animal that is believed to bring Easter eggs.
10) … Friday is the day before Easter on which the death of Jesus is especially remembered.
11) … week is the time before Easter.
13) The name of our God is Jesus …
1) A hot … bun is a round, sweet cake like bread with a special sign painted on the top, eaten in some Christian countries at Easter.
2) Egg … is a traditional decorative activity performed at Easter.
3) Many people believe that Easter eggs, blessed by the God, have … power and so those who eat them will become healthy and strong.
5) Egg … is a traditional game played with eggs at Easter.
6) On what day of the week does Easter always fall on?
12) The 40 days before Easter, a period during which, for religious reasons, some people stop doing particular things that they enjoy.