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Kuzbass is my native land – 300th anniversary of Kuzbass Материал разработан учителем МБОУ СОШ № 19 г. Белово Арбековой Мариной Юрьевной

«Любовь к Отчизне начинается с любви к своей малой Родине – месту, где человек родился. Постепенно расширяясь, эта любовь переходит в любовь к своему государству, к его истории, его прошлому и настоящему, а затем и ко всему человечеству» Д.С.Лихачёв

FEDERAL SUBJECTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Tyumen region with the Khanty-Mansi Аutonomous area and Yamal-Nenets Аutonomous area - Kemerovo region /Kuzbass/ - the Republic of Altai - Altai Krai - Omsk region - Tomsk region - Novosibirsk region

Location of Kemerovo region in Russia

Kemerovo region/KUZBASS/ was established in 1943 the square is 95,7 thousand square kilometers 20 cities 70 nationalities the population is about 3 million people wa

THE COATS OF ARMS OF KEMEROVO REGION/KUZBASS/ The Kemerovo region coat of arms represents its natural resources, industry and agriculture.

THE FLAG OF KEMEROVO REGION/KUZBASS/ The flag of Kemerovo region is a red rectangle with a blue stripe, where the coat of arms of Kemerovo region is set.

The hymn of Kuzbass

THE GOVERNOR OF KEMEROVO REGION/ KUZBASS The governor of Kemerovo region is Sergey Tsivilev. He was born on the 21nd of September in 1961 in Zhdanov. He is the Head of Kemerovo region’s Administration since 2018.

The history of Kuzbass dates back to 1620's.

In 1721 coal and iron ore were found by M. Volkov. The main wealth of our region is coal.

Mineral paints aluminums zink gold Mineral waters Copper ores THE MINERALS OF THE KUZBASS The most important of them are coal, iron ore, manganese, aluminium, metal and non-ferrous metals.

AGRICULTURE OF THE KUZBASS The agriculture of Kuzbass produces: milk meat vegetables fruit fish many other kinds of agricultural products.

OUR REGION IS FAMOUS FOR ITS PLANTS chemical machine - building power - engineering metal – working factories Kemerovo region is an important industry centre now. The main braches of industry are coal mining, ferrous metal, industry, non-ferrous metal industry, machine building, chemical industry, woodworking industry and food industry.


THE FAUNA OF THE KUZBASS the elk the squirrel the beaver the viper the sable the fox the lynx the bear




"SIBERIAN SWITZERLAND" “Siberian Switzerland” is the name of Mountain Shoria for its natural wealth and beauty. Mountain Shoria occupies the southern part of the Kemerovo region , stretches 170 kilometers from the north to the south, 100 kilometers from the west to the east and is 13.5 thousand square kilometers (14.1 % of whole Kemerovo region).

Kuzbass Kuzbass, which is formally known as the Kuznetsk Coal Basin (the Kuznetsk), lies in the south of Western Siberia, namely in the Kemerovo region. Kuzbass is situated in western Siberia. It covers the area of 100,000 square kilometers. It borders on the Altai territory the south- west, on the Novosibirsk region in the west, on the Tomsk region in the north, on the Krasnoyarsk territory in the east Kuzbass is one of the oldest and largest industrial complexes in Siberia. Kuzbass occupies the territory of the Kuznetskaya Lowland. It is surrounded by mountain chains on the west, on the east and on the south. These mountain chains, like walls, defend our region from dry, southwest winds. They influence the weather of this territory. The climate in Kuzbass is continental. We have four seasons of the year, but winter lasts 5 months here, it begins in November and ends in March. Summer is short and rather hot. July is the hottest month of the year. The temperature is sometimes 25°-35° above zero. It's a big contrast with low winter temperatures, which are sometimes 30-40'below zero. This contrast influences badly the people's health.

There is hardly a territory in Siberia where so much interesting mountains arrangement can be found. It is united with the West Siberian Lowland just only on the north. Its total area is about 30.000 square kilometers. There is hardly a territory in Siberia where so much interesting mountains arrangement can be found. It is united with the West Siberian Lowland just only on the north. Its total area is about 30.000 square kilometers. The biggest river on the territory is the Tom. It flows into the Ob. Its length is over 839 kilometers. The Tom and its tributaries supply fresh water practically for every city in Kuzbass. There are also some other big and little rivers in Kuzbass for example - the Kondoma, the Mras-Su, the Kia, the Aba but most of them are polluted because Kuzbass is an industrial zone and the ecological situation is poor. Metallurgical, coal - mining, machine - building industries are highly - developed here. There are many forests in Kuzbass. 1\7 of wood in Russia is produced here in Kuzbass. There are a lot of kinds of trees. The forests are concentrated in Gornaya Shoria, Kuznetsky Alatau and Salair. They cover all Kuznetskaya Lowland. The foliage trees are concentrated in the lowlands. The coniferous forests are situated in the highlands.

The pine-trees, fir-trees can be found there. A lot of animals such as bears, wolves, foxes, elks live in them. Now Kuzbass is one of the largest developed industrial regions. It is known as one of the Russian and (in some branches) world's largest producers and exporters of coal, steel, iron ore and other mineral resources. No wonder, there are a lot of plants, factories and mines. That's why Kuzbass is said to be a region of coal miners and metal workers. There are some large cities and small towns in Kuzbass. The largest city with the population of 600,000 people is Novokuznetsk. Kemerovo is less than Novokuznetsk but it's a regional center. Mezhdurechensk is situated in the most beautiful place of Kuzbass. Its a small town but it is famous for its coalmines. Tashtagol is the capital of Gornaya Shoria where the aborigines of Kuzbass live. Kiselevsk, Belovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, earlier had well - developed coal- mining industry, now they are degrading. The ecological situation in Kuzbass is very poor. Kuzbass is called «the zone of ecological disasters». It is an industrial region and its enterprises throw thousands of tons of different wastes. The air, water, sail here is polluted. We all hope for the better future, we hope that Kuzbass with its great potential and resources will become one of the richest and best regions in Russia. The pine-trees, fir-trees can be found there. A lot of animals such as bears, wolves, foxes, elks live in them. Now Kuzbass is one of the largest developed industrial regions. It is known as one of the Russian and (in some branches) world's largest producers and exporters of coal, steel, iron ore and other mineral resources. No wonder, there are a lot of plants, factories and mines. That's why Kuzbass is said to be a region of coal miners and metal workers. There are some large cities and small towns in Kuzbass. The largest city with the population of 600,000 people is Novokuznetsk. Kemerovo is less than Novokuznetsk but it's a regional center. Mezhdurechensk is situated in the most beautiful place of Kuzbass. Its a small town but it is famous for its coalmines. Tashtagol is the capital of Gornaya Shoria where the aborigines of Kuzbass live. Kiselevsk, Belovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, earlier had well - developed coal- mining industry, now they are degrading. The ecological situation in Kuzbass is very poor. Kuzbass is called «the zone of ecological disasters». It is an industrial region and its enterprises throw thousands of tons of different wastes. The air, water, sail here is polluted. We all hope for the better future, we hope that Kuzbass with its great potential and resources will become one of the richest and best regions in Russia.

Quiz “ Do you know Kemerovо Oblast?” 1.What regions does Kemerovо Oblast border on in the East and in the South-East? (Krasnoyarsk Krai, Khakassiya) 2. Inhabitant of Kemerovо Oblast (woman) who defended her Motherland in the same detachment that Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya did. (Vera Voloshina) 3. The biggest city in Kemerovo Oblast. (Novokuznetsk) 4. The city where there is a monument to M. Volkov. (Kemerovo) 5. This literary–memorial museum is situated in Novokuznetsk. (Dostoyevsky museum) 6. What region does Kemerovо Oblast border on in the North? (Tomsk Oblast) 7. Honorary resident of Berlin N.I. Masalov is a prototype of this monument. (“Warrior-liberator”, Berlin) 8. Regional center. (Kemerovo) 9.Regional temple of music, where there is an organ (Philarmonic Society in Kemerovo) 10.Territory of Kemerovо Oblast. (95,5 km2) 11. The highest mountain in Kemerovо Oblast. (Verkhny Zub – 2178) 12.The only place in Russia where the whole skeletons of these animals were found. (village Shestakovo; dinosaur) 13.The largest lake in Kemerovо Oblast. (Bolshoy Berchikul) 14.What factory produces “wingled” metal? (Aluminium Factory in Novokuznetsk)

15.The most Southern town in Kemerovо Oblast. (Tashtagol) 15.The most Southern town in Kemerovо Oblast. (Tashtagol) 16.The countries of Western Europe, that are smaller than Kemerovо Oblast. (Portugal, Belgium, Hungary, Auastria) 17.The main occupation (profession) of the inhabitants of our region. (miner) 18.“Railway” gate of Kemerovо Oblast. (Yurga) 19.The biggest factory of our country that produces ferrous metals (“Zapsib”) 20.The mountainous country in the Southern part of Kemerovо Oblast.(Gornaya Shoria) 21.The town where the oldest factory of ferrous metals in honor of M.K. Kurako is located. (Gurievsk) 22.The largest mine of the country, where they extract 1,5 ton of coal in a minute. (“Raspadskaya”) 23.The biggest bird in our forests, that builds its nest near the rivers and marshes. (Wood-grouse) 24.The memorial of military architecture in the first city of our region. (Kuznetsk fortress) 25.The mountain ranges of Kemerovо Oblast. (Kuznetsk Alatau, Salair mountain-ridge, Gornaya Shoria)

Agree or Disagree. 1.Leninsk-Kuznetsky is one of the largest towns of Kuzbass. 2.The present governor of the Kemerovo region is Aman Tuleev. 3.The Tomskaya Pisanitsa museum is situated 15 km from Kemerovo. 4.There are a lot of innovative schools in the Kemerovo. 5.Kuzbass regional pedagogical institute is located in our town. 6.Leninsk-Kuznetsky is situated in the eastern part of the Kemerovo region in the center of Kuznetsk hollow. 7.Kemerovo is the most important educational centre in the region. 8.Kemerovo is not the administrative centre of the Kemerovo region. 9.Many years ago Leninsk-Kuznetsky was known as a village Kolchugino. 10.There is a local historical museum and 3 exhibition halls in our town. 11.Mariya Filatova, two times Olympic Champion, lived in Leninsk-Kuznetsky many years ago.

Translate: 1.Сегодня Сибирь это высоко развитый - промышленный регион с развитой транспортной сетью. 2.Богатый природой, уникальный по своим климатическим и целебными свойствами край, придает очарование и своеобразие Сибири. 3.Сибирь сыграла особую роль в истории России в годы Великой Отечественной войны. 4.В Кемеровская область образована 26 января 1943 года. 5. Губернатор Кемеровской области Сергей Цивилев, он уделяет большое внимание развитию региона. 6.Кемеровская область является известной во всем мире, прежде всего полезными ископаемыми: железом, медью, золотом, металлами и др. 7.В 1721 Михайло Волков обнаружил черный уголь на правом берегу реки Томь. 8.Кемерово возник на месте старинных русских поселений. Первое название города было Щегловск. 9.Сегодня Кемерово-это современный производственный научный центр с культурно-экономическими связями со всеми регионами России и зарубежными странами. 10.Государственная филармония - крупнейшая концертная организация в Кемеровской области. 11.Краеведческий музей был основан в 1920 году. 12.Музей "Томская Писаница" расположен в 50 км от Кемерово и занимает 152 км. 13.Кемерово является наиболее важным образовательным центром в регионе. 14.Государственный университет является одним из старейших высших учебных заведений в Кемерово. 15.Кузбасс - это прекрасная страна. Не упустите шанс посетить его!


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АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ ВЫБОРА ТЕМЫ АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ ВЫБОРА ТЕМЫ В последнее время воспитание чувства патриотизма приобретает всё большее общественное значение и становится задачей государственной важности. Именно акцент на знание истории народа, его культуры поможет в дальнейшем с уважением и интересом относиться к культурным традициям своего народа. Учащиеся должны знать не только страну изучаемого языка, но и страну, край, район, в котором они живут. Часто ребята знают о стране изучаемого языка больше, чем о своей собственной стране, своем крае.

В нашем изменчивом мире важны межкультурные связи. О чем мы можем рассказать своим зарубежным друзьям? Прежде всего, о земле, на которой живем, о нашей малой родине, дорогих нашему сердцу Кузбассе. Многие учащиеся школ нашего края, которые, успешно изучая английский язык, имеют возможность практического его применения, принимая участие в конкурсах и олимпиадах. В нашем изменчивом мире важны межкультурные связи. О чем мы можем рассказать своим зарубежным друзьям? Прежде всего, о земле, на которой живем, о нашей малой родине, дорогих нашему сердцу Кузбассе. Многие учащиеся школ нашего края, которые, успешно изучая английский язык, имеют возможность практического его применения, принимая участие в конкурсах и олимпиадах. Британцы говорят: «There is no place like home». И мы, люди, проживающие в Кузбассе тоже их поддерживаем и готовы рассказать о нашем замечательном крае не только здесь, на своей родине, но и за рубежом.