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учитель английского языка
Россия, Владимирская обл., Владимир

Лексико – грамматический практикум по английскому языку

в 5 классе по теме «Животные»

Данный практикум является неотъемлемой частью учебно- методического комплекса “Spotlight 5” Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дж. В него включены задания для дополнительной отработки лексического и грамматического материала по теме «Животные». Практикум является хорошим материалом, чтобы усовершенствовать знания и умения по теме.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных

A cup -

A cat -

A rabbit –

A pet –

A dress –

A tiger –

A bus –

An egg –

An apple –

2. Напишите цифрами номера телефонов

1. one- three- eight- seven- four- onе _________________

2. five- four- seven- nine- three- nine-________________

3. eight- four- seven- one- two- three- ________________

4. six- five- four- two- one- three - ________________

3. Составьте предложения из слов

1. tennis, play, like, I, to

2. like, cats, to, milk, drink

3. sweets, children, eat, to, like

4. kitten, with, play, I, want, to, the

5. have, a, want, I, to, puppy

4. Найдите лишнее слово.

1. hen, canary, parrot, snake, eagle

2. cheese, meat, milk, fish, apple

3. football, volleyball, letter, ball, hockey

4. giraffe, zebra, pony, toy, horse

5. pet, sister, brother, mother, father

5.Вставьте (если нужно) артикль

1. I have ___ pet. My ____ cat is nice. My ___ cat has ___ three kittens.

2. We can see ____ elephant. The elephant is ____ big and strong animal.

3. I have ___ friend. My ___ friend has __ two hamsters.

6. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

My name is Sam. I have no brothers and no sisters. But I have a good friend. His name is Fred. Fred likes animals. I like animals too. WE like to go to the Zoo. In the Zoo you can see many animals. My friend and I like to watch funny little monkeys. We like to go to the cages with bears and foxes too.

Fred has two pets. He has a canary and a hamster. The canary can sing well. The hamster is very funny. We like to play with it. The hamster eats cheese ans nuts and drinks milk. I have no pets but I want to have a puppy.

Has Sam a brother?

Has he a sister?

Has he a friend?

What is his name?

Has Fred a pet?

Can the canary sing?

Has Sam a pet?

Найдите ответы, соответствующие вопросам

1. Is this your puppy? 1. No, their car is green

2. Do you like sweets? 2. No, I do not. I read adventure books.

3. Do they help their mother? 3. No, he has no brother.

4. Have you a computer? 4. Yes, They do. They help their mother.

5. Do you read books about animals? 5. No, it is not. My car is not black.

5. Has he a brother? 6. Yes, my sister can cycle

8. Выразительно прочитайте текст.

My name is Sam. I have no brothers and no sisters. But I have a good friend. His name is Fred. Fred likes animals. I like animals too. WE like to go to the Zoo. In the Zoo you can see many animals. My friend and I like to watch funny little monkeys. We like to go to the cages with bears and foxes too.

Fred has two pets. He has a canary and a hamster. The canary can sing well. The hamster is very funny. We like to play with it. The hamster eats cheese ans nuts and drinks milk. I have no pets but I want to have a puppy.

9. Переведите слова на английский язык и запишите перевод

1. поросенок-

2. петух –

3. собака –

4. кошка –

5. тигр –

6. слон –

7. канарейка –

8. жираф –

9. медведь –

10. лиса –


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