12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Гаук Кристина Александровна388
Никогда не отказывайтесь от своей мечты
Россия, Челябинская обл.


Для школьников 9- 11 классов

Для студентов СПО 1, 2 курсов

Task 1. Choose the right answer:

Sometimes I like to go to work….foot

by b) on c) with

When I go abroad, I always stay …. my friends

with b) at c) on

We usually learn English poems ….heart at school

on b) by c) in

I have a day off …. Sunday

on b) in c) at

Young people go….the gym regularly

in b) to c) at

How ….juice would you like?

many b) much c) a lot of

How ….cheese do we have in the fridge?

many b) much c) a lot of

How …... bottles of milk do we need?

many b) much c) a lot of

Is there …. apples on the table?

any b) many c) some

There are …. shops in the street

any b) many c) some

I ….. be at work on time

should b) may c) must

. I go out?

should b) may c) must

Children …… play with matches

shouldn’t b) should c) may

I …. wake up at 7 at week days

may b) can c) have to

I …. some dough to make a pie

may b) cannot c) need

Many ….are running on the playground

child b) children c) childs

All …..love cheese

mice b) mouses c) mices

In our wild nature we can meet a lot of …..

deer b) deers c) deeres

We must keep our…. warm in winter

foot b) feet c) foots

Because of water pollution a lot of …. die

fish b) fishes c) fishs

We …. to the zoo yesterday

go b) went c) goes

They ………right now

waited b) waits c) are waiting

Yesterday at 6 pm he….

is sleeping b) was sleeping c) were sleeping

I …..already …..my homework

am doing b) has done c) have done

When we arrived at the station, the train ….already…..

have gone b) has gone c) had gone


Задание 1. Выберите один из трех вариантов ответа:

b) on; 2. a) with; 3. b) by; 4) a) on; 5. b) to; 6. b) much; 7. b) much; 8. a) many; 9. a) any; 10. a) some; 11. c) must; 12. b) may; 13. a) shouldn’t; 14. c) have to; 15. c) need; 16. b) children; 17. a) mice; 18. a) deer; 19. b) feet; 20. a) fish; 21. b) went; 22. c) are waiting; 23. b) was sleeping; 24. c) have done; 25. c) had done.

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