12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Сухорослова Анна Сергеевна659
Россия, Сахалинская обл., Корсаков

V-1 4th grade

1) I serve drinks and food.

a) waiter

b) postman

c) greengrocer

2) I help sick people.

a) mechanic

b) baker

c) nurse

3) What does a baker do?

a) He bake bread

b) He bakes bread

c) He baking bread

4) What does a mechanic do?

a) He fixes cars

b) He fix cars

c) He fixs cars

5) What time is it? – 05:45

a) It’s quarter past five

b) It’s quarter to five

c) It’s quarter to six

6) What time is it? – 07:30

a) It’s half past seven

b) It’s half to seven

c) It’s seven o’clock

7) Переведи – вокзал, станция.

a) garage

b) station

c) hospital

8) Переведи – theatre.

a) кафе

b) почта

c) театр

9) Where does a postman work?

a) at the post office

b) at the cafe

c) at the theatre

10) Where does a greengrocer work?

a) at the cafe

b) at the greengrocer’s

c) at the baker’s

V-2 4th grade

1) I fix cars.

a) nurse

b) mechanic

c) baker

2) I take letters to people’s houses.

a) postman

b) greengrocer

c) mechanic

3) What does a greengrocer do?

a) He sell fruit and vegetables

b) He selling fruit and vegetables

c) He sells fruit and vegetables

4) What does a nurse do?

a) She help sick people

b) He help sick people

c) She helps sick people

5) What time is it? – 03:15

a) It’s quarter past four

b) It’s quarter to three

c) It’s quarter past three

6) What time is it? – 01:45

a) It’s quarter to two

b) It’s quarter to one

c) It’s quarter past one

7) Переведи – почта.

a) theatre

b) post office

c) hospital

8) Переведи – station.

a) станция

b) кафе

c) магазин овощей и фруктов

9) Where does a waiter work?

a) at the cafe

b) at the post office

c) at the greengrocer’s

10) Where does a baker work?

a) at the hospital

b) at the baker’s

c) at the post office


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