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Informal letters

An informal letter consists of: An informal greeting (Dear Mary,) An introduction (Thanks for your letter. Sorry I have not been in touch for so long.) A main body. A conclusion (I have got to go now. Write back soon.) An informal ending (Best wishes, Irina)

Задание С1 Read the extract from your pen friend’s letter. Her name is Alice. Write a letter to Alice and answer her questions. Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. ( отрывок из письма) … I hope you enjoyed your summer holidays. Where did you spend them? Please, tell me about the most interesting things you did. By the way, we are moving house and I am sending you my new address.

Оформление B верхнем правом углу напиши свой адрес (адрес отправителя): 1-ая строка – Город 2-я строка - Страна Под адресом напиши дату написания письма: число, месяц, год.

Оформление 1. Обращение начинается с Dear, к которому добавляется имя. 2. Всё обращение пишется не посередине, а на левой стороне без отступа на красную строку. 3. Не забудь поставить запятую (а не восклицательный знак) после обращения. 4. Поблагодари за полученное письмо. 5. Объясни, почему ты пишешь это письмо и о чем оно будет. 6. Ответь на вопросы, которые тебе задала Элис в своём письме. 7. В конце письма не забудь написать завершающую фразу Best wishes (С наилучшими пожеланиями) или Love (Целую) на отдельной строке. 8. Не забудь поставить запятую после Best wishes, 9. На отдельной строке после завершающей фразы подпиши письмо - напиши своё имя.

Ответ Novaya Ladoga Russia 18 October 2013 Dear Alice, Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. In your letter you asked me about my summer holidays. Well, I had a very good time! In June I stayed at home because I had exams at school. Luckily the weather was nice and warm and at the weekend my parents and I went to our country house. We went sunbathing and swimming in the lake near there. In July I went to a summer camp. It was fantastic. I made a lot of new friends. Every day we went swimming in the river, and we played different games. There was a disco every night. Once we went hiking in the forest for two days. We cooked our meals on the fire and at night we sat around the fire, sang songs and told stories. Are you happy with your new house? Is it bigger than your old house? Have you got a room of your own? Please tell me more about it. Write soon. Best wishes, Tanya


Stories An introduction A main body A conclusion

Plan Introduction Who were the main characters? Where were they? What were they doing? Main body What happened? What was the climax event?