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Life in the Past УМК: «Английский в фокусе» Модуль 7 Цель урока: совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме «Прошедшее простое время»

EARLY HUMANS HOMINID NEANDERTHAL CRO-MAGNON 3 million 50 thousand 40 thousand years ago

ANCESTOR Our distant ancestors, the HOMINIDS lived three million years ago in Africa.

APE Hominids were like apes, and from them the first humans developed.

EARLY HUMANS These early humans became taller and had larger brains.

We know that about a million years ago they used fire and knew how to hunt animals.

They also made simple stone tools. About 350,000 years ago, these first humans started living in Europe and Asia.

ICE AGE About 50,000 years ago, the climate changed. It grew colder and ice covered large parts of the world. We call this the Ice Age.

NEANDERTHAL The people who lived then are called Neanderthals. These people lived in caves and hunted bears and creatures like elephants called mammoths.

They were good at making tools, and their axes were smaller and easier to use than those of earlier people. They were good at making tools, and their axes were smaller and easier to use than those of earlier people.

CRO-MAGNON About 40,000 years ago, Cro-Magnon humans took the place of Neanderthals.

They were more intelligent and skillful than previous humans.

Cro-Magnon humans painted the walls of their caves. Some of their most beautiful paintings are 30,000 years old.

Cro-Magnon are our direct ancestors