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Данный тест по чтению предназначен для проверки знания лексики в 7 классе по теме Лондон. Тест представлен в двух вариантах: открытого типа- повышенной сложности и закрытого типа- базового уровня. Оценивание может производиться на усмотрение учителя.

Задания к тесту: Вставьте пропущенные слова по смыслу, но так, чтобы первые буквы слов следовали в алфавитном порядке. Запишите слова под соответствующим номером. 

Variant I

London is the capital of the UK. It is 1______ to know that it is one of the 2_____ cities in the world. It was founded in the 1st3______ by the Romans. It was built on the banks of the 4____ river Thames. The 5____ capital had its first name . It was Londinium.

There were a lot of striking events in the history of London. One of them was The Great 6____ of London. It happened in 1666 and was so destructive that a 7______ part of the city was destroyed . A 8_____ column in the centre of London reminds us of it.

London has four main parts. They are the City, The West End, the East End and  Westminster. The City is famous for 9_____ Tower of London. Lots of tourists like to see the 10_____ ceremony of the 11_____ in the Tower.  St Paul’s Cathedral , a lot of old historic buildings are in the City too.

Westminster is the political centre of 12______. The 13______ leads from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace, which is the residence of the Queen. The Prime Minister (14____ it is Boris Johnson) lives at 10 Downing Street . The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben are in Westminster. 15_____ Big Ben .there is London EYE- a huge panoramic wheel.

London is rich in 16____ . Some of them used to be places for hunting and belonged to the 17_____ .

The 18____ 19_______ London but there are more than 20____ bridges across the Thames and they are 21______ very busy.

22_____ from  all over the 23_____ come to see London at 24_____ time or on the New 25____ day. They go to museums, picture galleries, they admire London 26_____ and fall  in love with British capital.

Variant II

London is the capital of the UK. It is 1______ to know that it is one of the 2_____ cities in the world. It was founded in the 1st3______ by the Romans. It was built on the banks of the 4____ river Thames. The 5____ capital had its first name . It was Londinium.

There were a lot of striking events in the history of London. One of them was The Great 6____ of London. It happened in 1666 and was so destructive that a 7______ part of the city was destroyed . A 8_____ column in the centre of London reminds us of it.

London has four main parts. They are the City, The West End, the East End and  Westminster. The City is famous for 9_____ Tower of London. Lots of tourists like to see the 10_____ ceremony of the 11_____ in the Tower.  St Paul’s Cathedral , a lot of old historic buildings are in the City too.

Westminster is the political centre of 12______. The 13______ leads from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace, which is the residence of the Queen. The Prime Minister (14____ it is Boris Johnson) lives at 10 Downing Street . The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben are in Westminster. 15_____ Big Ben .there is London EYE- a huge panoramic wheel.

London is rich in 16____ . Some of them used to be places for hunting and belonged to the 17_____ .

The 18____ 19_______ London but there are more than 20____ bridges across the Thames and they are 21______ very busy.

22_____ from  all over the 23_____ come to see London at 24_____ time or on the New 25____ day. They go to museums, picture galleries, they admire London 26_____ and fall  in love with British capital.

usually,  Xmas,  amazing,  its,  great,  century ,joyful, London, now, best-known, Fire, Mall, parks, English, high, separates, keys,  Zoo, opposite, thirty ,Year, river, world, visitors, Queen, deep

The key

London is the capital of the UK. It is 1 amazing  to know that it is one of the  2 best-known  cities in the world. It was founded in the 1st3 century by the Romans. It was built on the banks of the 4 deep river Thames. The 5 English   capital had its first name . It was Londinium.

There were a lot of striking events in the history of London. One of them was The Great 6 Fire  of London. It happened in 1666 and was so destructive that a 7 great  part of the city was destroyed . A 8 high  column in the centre of London reminds us of it.

London has four main parts. They are the City, The West End, the East End and  Westminster. The City is famous for 9 its Tower of London. Lots of tourists like to see the 10 joyful ceremony of the 11 keys in the Tower.  St Paul’s Cathedral , a lot of old historic buildings are in the City too.

Westminster is the political centre of 12 London. The 13 Mall leads from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace, which is the residence of the Queen. The Prime Minister (14 now it is Boris Johnson) lives at 10 Downing Street . The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben are in Westminster. 15 Opposite Big Ben there is London Eye- a huge panoramic wheel.

London is rich in 16 parks . Some of them used to be places for hunting and belonged to the 17 Queen.

The 18 river 19 separetes London but there are more than 20 thirty bridges across the Thames and they are 21 usually very busy.

22 Visitors  from  all over the 23 world  come to see London at 24 X-mas time or on the New 25 Year day. They go to museums, picture galleries, they admire London 26 Zoo and fall  in love with British capital.



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