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Презентация ученицы 4 «А» класса МБОУ «СОШ №1» Влады Толкачёвой «Моё любимое животное» Учитель английского языка Алина Викторовна Архипова Учитель информатики и ИКТ Яна Сергеевна Скакунова

Hello! I am Vlada! My favorite animal is my pet. It is 5 years old. It is a wonderful animal. I like it very much. Its name is Hercules. Such tortoises live for 90 years!

Let me tell you some interesting facts… It is yellow and white. Its shell has dark spots. They are usually not more than 25 sm. This species in the Red Book. It can’t be sold without documents.

It eats vegetation. It mustn’t eat meat, milk, bread, cabbage and fruit. Out tortoise’s favourite dish is lettuce.

We need a terrarium, a UV-lamp, some ground and a house. Tortoises have hibernation, bit it is not a must with them. We should wash our tortoise once a week.

Our Hercules is amazing! Our Hercules is amazing! My family likes to play with it. It likes to stay alone. But it can be dangerous because it can get stuck somewhere or eat something harmful for its health. Sometimes it is hard to find him. It recognizes people.

Hercules was found in our yard. People thought it could survive. They did not care for it. It is very sad. Such tortoises are easy to look after.

I want people to respect animals. All of them should have their own home.

Список источников: 1.Фон презентации – приложение CANVA 2. Картинки яндекс https://yandex.ru/images/