12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
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План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 5А классе по учебнику «Spotlight».

Урок представляет собой практикум по говорению и аудированию по теме «Досуг и увлечения современных подростков». Место урока в учебном процессе: первый урок в теме после практикумов по чтению и грамматике.

Цели урока:

1. Образовательные

- обобщить ранее изученную лексику и грамматику данного урока в беседе о увлечениях в группах и с преподавателем.

2. Развивающие

- познакомится с увлечениями других людей в рамках практикума по аудированию.

Задачи урока:

1. Практические

- организовать устное обсуждение учащихся, чем они занимаются в свободное время с опорой на предложенную анкету

- организовать на основе известного грамматического материала (have got/has got, Plurals) обсуждение различных ситуаций:

- организовать аудирование по теме “ My collection.’’

Ход урока

Этап урока

Ход урока

Режим работы




2. Начало урока



3. Основная часть


Pair work


Individual work


Additional task

Summing up

the lesson

Home assignment

Saying good-bye

1. Good afternoon! You may take your seats! I am very glad to see you today!

2. Introduction. How are you? What do you usually do after school? Are you free after school? Have you got a hobby?
What is hobby?
Hobby is what we do …..
Hobby is what we like doing …..

What will we talk about today? (Students answer…)

Let’s begin our lesson with the most popular hobbies for teenagers. (Students give the examples that they’ve learnt at the previous lessons: reading books, playing computer games, swimming, dancing,.)

Now is it interesting for you to collect anything? Do you collect anything? If you do , will you have a look at Exercise 4 page 40?

Let’s make a diagraph of things that we can collect.

-stuffed toys


- stickers


- stamps


Using these objects from the diagram will you tell me what you have got and what your friend has got

My friend has got a big collection of…..
I have got a big collection of…..

Read short extracts and guess what people collect.

I have got a big collection. I keep it on the shelf. Sometimes I show it to my friends. I use my collection when I want to listen to a good music.

I have got a great collection. My friends can see it on the fridge. My collection shows how many countries I’ve visited.

I have got a great collection. Things in my collections are very old. It is used as money but you can’t buy anything at the supermarket.

Before listening to the text, let us have a look at Exercise 3 page 40.

Students answer in pairs

And now let’s listen to what other people collect. Ex.4 p. 40

Using the questions from ex. 3 p. 40 Ask each other about Tom and his collection.

How old is he?
Where is he from?
How many stamps are there in his collection?
Where are his stamps from?
Is stamp collecting interesting and easy?

Write the number of objects in your collection in words.

Example: 56 magnets- My collection has got fifty-six magnets.

1. 84 coins

2. 123 key-rings

3. 567 books

4. 1260 stones.

5. 3100 postcards

Today we have learned how to describe the collections.

To describe the collections, we need to know names of objects grammar rules: have/has got construction, to be, know how to pronounce numbers correctly.

Hope you have enjoyed it. Will you write the home assignment for the next lesson. SB Ex.7 p.40

Thank you for you work and attention see you tomorrow, children!









St ↔Cl

T ↔Cl

T ↔Cl

T ↔Cl










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