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Презентация к уроку: «Science and technology in our life»

THE AIM OF THE LESSON: To practice our English discussing our attitude towards science and technology. To study new facts. To summarize your own position about:

«The more I learn, the more I realize how much I do not know» Albert Einshtein.

Slide 2

Slide 2 1D.Mendeleev created…… 2 I.Pavlov discovered ……. 3 A.Popov invented ……. 4. A.Einsttein worked on the ….. 5 Marie Curie opened ….. 6 J.L.Baird invented the ….. 7 A.Bell invented the …. 8 W.K/Roentgen opened ……. A . X-rays. b.the radio.   c.television.   d.the table of chemical elements.  e.radium.   f. theory of relativity.   g. telephone.   h.conditional reflexes  

Slide 3

Slide 3

Slide 4 Say the same in English. 1. Производство энергии 2. эпоха Возрождения 3. благодаря науке и технике 4. судостроение и черная металлургия 5. транспорт, связь и использование энергии 6. оружие массового уничтожения 7.преимущества высоких технологий

Slide 4 1-the production of power 2-the period of Renaissance 3-thanks to science and technology 4-shipbuilding and the iron industry 5-transportation, communications and use of energy 6-weapons of mass destruction 7-the advantages of high technology

Slide 5 Match the picture with the description. 1. It is an instrument used to collect light from an object, to bring the light to a focus and produce an image. 2. It is a device that generates “well-organized” light. Nowadays these devices are widely used in different ways, among which is medicine. 3. This is a mechanical, electrical device that measures the passage of time. It must be carefully regulated to make them run accurately. 4. This device is based on a microprocessor, a small chip that performs the operation of a central processing unit. Modern models have memories in the megabyte to gigabyte which is a great improvement. 5. The appearance of this device changed the way of life of many people, who changed their habits forever in favor of interesting and exciting programs. 6. It is a really impressive invention. The greatness of it implies the ability to prolong A.the computer  B. the optical telescope C. a clock D.the laser  E. the refrigerator F.the television

Slide 6 Подготовка ОГЭ раздел : Грамматика и лексика. B10 Isaac Newton lived in the 17th centuries and studied ________laws.   Bll Fleming was the ________________of penicillin.   B12 Roman builders were very ___________________.   B13 A good memory is a _______________tool for learning. B10. PHYSICS B11. DISCOVER B12.SKILL B13.USE

Slide 7 Раздел 1. ЗАДАНИЯ ПО АУДИРОВАНИЮ Al . Doctor Martin Cooper was the father of the mobile phone. 1) True2) False 3)Not stated A2. A mobile phone was invented in 1975. 1) True2) False 3) Not stated A3. A cell phone works like a radio. 1) True2) False 3) Not stated A4. Car phones of the 1980s were not very expensive. 1) True2) False 3) Not stated   A5. Pupils in Great Britain can not use their mobile phones at school. 1) True2) False 3) Not stated

Slide 8 1 group. Make up and write the names of these devices. 2 group. Match the sciences with technologies.   micro mixer electronics making new materials   dish phone biology using telescopes, microscopes   food maker chemistry measuring land   hair washer ballistics making microchips   note wave optics farming   coffee book linguistics cloning   Ear machine agronomy language teaching, learning   washing dryer geometry making guns  

Slide 8 3 group. Divide the names of tools and devices into the 4 group. Say whose invention or discovery it is. categories: tools we use in the garden; in the factory; Isaak Newton, Alexander Popov,  at home. Dmitry Mendeleev, Ivan Pavlov, Knife, axe, vacuum cleaner, hammer, cooker, spade, Alexander Bell, John Logie Baird,  kettle, saw, coffee maker, a pair of tongs, rake, Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen.   iron, hoe, microwave, dishwasher. Table of chemical elements, X-ray,   television, radio, law of gravity,   conditional reflexes, telephone

Slide 9 Advantages. 1. Life becomes easy and comfortable. 2. Man has become advanced by using various new technology. 3. Technology helps us to communicate easier with other people. 4. It helps our job can be done faster. 5. It helps us to organize our daily activities. 6. It helps us to know and understand other culture and society better. 7. It can cure our diseases.

Slide 9 Disadvantages. 1. Technology destroys our simple and healthy life. 2. It has led to creating weapons of mass destruction. 3. Air, water, soil pollution is damaging the environment. 4. The great intensity of human life leads to stresses. 5. As technology develops we forget our traditional style of living. 6. It gives opportunities to the terrorists to make crime like bombing. 7. We’ll be too depend on it. When technology fails, we are helpless.

Slide 10 Express your opinion about the lesson using: -Today I have known (about)… -It was interesting to … -It was difficult to… -I did exercises… -I have understood that… -I can …

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