12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Шершнева Екатерина Сергеевна32

​​​​​​​ Theme: Особенности городской и сельской жизни в России и странаx изучаемого языка. 

City and Country Life

Задание: Вставьте в пропуски, недостающие слова по смыслу

village / traffic / city / country / restaurant / museums / buses

Ben lives in Oxford, a famous town in England. He thinks life in the ______(1) is fantastic. There are always places to visit and lots of things to do. Ben likes visiting _______(2) and going to the cinema or to the theatre. He loves eating out too. He is crazy about Mexican food and often goes to a Mexican _______(3) with his parents.  One thing he doesn’t like about the city is the traffic. There lots of cars and ________(4) in Oxford and it is sometimes difficult to move around in the streets.

Ben’s best friend Susan lives in a _______(5) near Oxford. She likes living in the country because there is no _______(6) and people can work outdoors. There air is healthy because there are a lot of trees around. Susan likes to go to the forest and to the river, which is not far from her place. She likes swimming and bathing in the river.

When they visit each other, they talk about things they did and share their opinions about city and _____(7) life. It is always fun.


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