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Мурзабеков Амир Маулидович61


План – конспект урока английского языка на тему:

«Who is it?

Урок открытия нового знания.»

(УМК О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева

"Rainbow English" 2 класс Часть 1 Step 27)


Учитель английского языка

Мурзабеков Амир Маулидович

г. Моздок

2023-2024 уч.год

План-конспект урока английского языка

Раздел: Step 27

Предметные: научиться задавать вопрос Who is it? и давать краткие ответы на него; познакомиться с вопросом Is it …? и использовать его в речи; давать краткие ответы Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.

Личностные: совершенствовать речевую культуру; формировать адекватную позитивную самооценку.

Метапредметные: познавательные: выявлять известное и неизвестное; пользоваться наглядными средствами предъявления языкового материала; строить речевые высказывания в соответствии с задачами коммуникации; коммуникативные: использовать в речи ЛЕ, обслуживающие ситуацию общения; выражать свои мысли по теме в соответствии с речевой задачей; сотрудничать со сверстниками, работать паре; регулятивные: планировать учебные действия в соответствии с поставленной целью и условиями ее реализации; корректировать, вносить изменения; давать развернутую оценку своей работе.

Оборудование: ноутбук, диск, картинки-цвета, картинки-животные.

Ход урока:

Этапы урока


I Организационный момент(2 мин)

Мотивация УД

- настроить на работу

- организация рабочего места

Teacher: Good morning, dear children.

Children: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.

Good morning, our teacher, we are glad to see you.

T: Thanks, sit down, please/ I'm pretty good today. And how about you?

Ch: (ученики отвечают) I'm great/ok/good thank you. I'm so so./I'm bad.

T: Dear children, today is a special day for us and for our school cause we have a lot of guests. Let's turn and greet them. During our lesson you can get a lot of new information. Its going to be interesting.

II. Речевая зарядка (2 мин)


-использование речи для регуляции своего действия

T:  Before we start our lesson let’s practice our English to sound more fluent. All together repeat after me.

I have a pig, Duckling is a little duck,

Not very little, not very big, Chicken is a little cock,

Not very pink, not very green, Kitten is a little cat,

Not very dirty, not very clean. Puppy is a little dog.

III. T:  And now we’re ready to start. Our first task is on page 98 ex. 1. We have to listen to audio recording and match them with the pictures. So let’s listen and match.

1. What is it? - It is a port. I can see a big port. (Г)

2. Who is it? – It’s a troll. I can see a troll. It’s Harry. His name is Harry. (В)

3. What is it? - It is a car. I can see a green car. It’s a good car. (Д)

4. What is it? - It is a lorry. I can see a good big lorry. It’s black and green. (А)

5. Who is it? – It’s a Emily. Emily is a little elf. (Б)

6. What is it? - It is a farm. I can see a horse a sheep and a kid. (Е)

IV. T:  Well done. Let’s move on. Our next task is on page 99 ex. 2. We need to finish these sentences using these pictures and to do this task more interesting I’m going to divide you into three groups.

You’re the first group. You’re the second group and you’re the third group. I’m going to give you sheets of paper with the task, you have two minutes to complete the task then we’ll check it. Ok, let’s start… The time is over. Let’s check. (дети отвечают)

Queen Meb is not sad, Queen Meb is HAPPY.

It is not a wood, it is a PARK.

It is not a cock, it is a CHICK.

It is not a bee, it is an ANT.

It is not a green sock, it is a red SOCK.

It is not sheep Polly, it is sheep DOLLY.

It is not a big tree, it is a LITTLE TREE.

It is not a good car, it is a BAD CAR.

V. T: Well done.

To do the next task you have to look at the smart board. Now tell me which are the odd words out?

1. good, happy, lorry, funny

2. horse, sheep, bee, bench

3. hill, wood, book, park

4. green, sad, red, black

5. street, car, van, lorry

6. box, book, black, dog

VI. Very good. Фонетическая зарядка (2 мин)

T: Let's continue our lesson with phonetic gymnastic. 

Ученик научится: соблюдать нормы произношения, ударение в словах и фразах.

Ученик получит возможность научиться: ритмико- интонационным особенностям повествовательного предложения, различать на слух и адекватно произносить звуки.

[kw] queen, quilt

[a:] star, park, car, farm

[ɔ:] port, horse, floor, door

[tf ] cherry, chick, chimp, match

[k] clock, duck, sock, cock

[ʃ ] shop, fish, dish, shelf

[u] good, wood, cook, book

[i:] green, see, bee, sheep

VII. Физкультминутка.

T: Are you tired? Me too. Let’s sing a song and dance.

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet

Stamp your feet together!

Touch, touch, touch your ears,

Touch your ears together.

Touch, touch, touch your cheeks,

Touch your cheeks together!

Shake, shake, shake your hands,

Shake your hands together.

Smile, smile at your friends,

Let us smile together!

VIII. T: That’s enough I think. Now we’re full of energy to continue our work.

And our next task is a little text about farm. We should listen to audio recording to guess what Mr. Clark is saying about it. And what did he forget to say? (154)

It's a farm. It's a big farm. I see a red a horse and a black sheep. I see a cat and a dog. I can see a cock and a chick. I can see tree and a green tree and a bench. I can see a car and a van.

IX. T: Well done. Let’s move on. Ex. 7 on p 101. Now Look at the pictures and say which colour are these quilts?

It is a red quilt.

It is a black quilt.

It is a green quilt.

It is a red and black quilt.

It is a green and black quilt.

It is a red and green quilt.

X. Этап подведения итогов урока. Результативность урока.

T: My dear children what have we done at our lesson? Please say me what did you like or dislike at lesson? Was the lesson interesting? What was difficult at lesson? You have 3 colour things: sun, clouds and stars. If you liked the lesson and you are in good mood - take sun, if you disliked and you are in a bad mood - take cloud, you stay not to care a rush - star for you. I take sun.

Учащиеся сигнализируют о своем эмоциональном состоянии с помощью карточек.

Our lesson is over. You may be free! Good bye!!!


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