Plural nouns

Материал опубликован 26 November 2024

Write the plural form of these nouns :

fox- cow- man- woman-

sheep- mouse- louse- wife-

fish- ox- child- girl-

book- pen- tooth- goose-

fruit- foot- boy- forget-me-not-

crisis- deer- knife- son –in-law

life- thief- cliff-

tomato- photo- piano-

roof- crisis- cactus-

datum- phenomenon- aircraft-

Key :

fox- foxes cow-cows man- men woman-women

sheep- sheep mouse-mice louse- lice wife-wives

fish- fish ox- oxen child-children girl-girls

book- books pen-pens tooth- teeth aircraft-aircraft

fruit- fruit foot- feet boy- boys forget-me-nots

crisis- crises deer- deer knife- knives sons-in-law

life-lives thief-thieves cliff- cliffs

tomato- tomatoes photo- photos piano-pianos

roof-roofs goose-geese cactus-cacti

datum- data phenomenon- phenomena

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