Презентация «The Ural River in Orenburg»

Материал опубликован 22 July 2019

The Ural River in Orenburg


Агишева Альбина,

11 «А» класс, МОБУ «СОШ №3» г. Оренбург

Учитель: Клунова Валентина Алексеевна


Orenburg is the largest city in the Orenburg region. I want to tell you about the Ural River. This river divides Orenburg into two parts: Europe and Asia. It is the river in the Eastern Europe, which flows on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan, runs into the Caspian Sea. The Ural River was called as Yaik in the past. It is a navigable river. The Round hill originates on top slops.

The Ural River flows from the north to the south. It raises to the plateau of the Kazakh steppe. It turns to the northwest abruptly. It changes its flow to the southwest beyond Orenburg. In Uralsk the river does a new abrupt bend to the south and in this mainstream, coiling west to the east and it runs into the Caspian Sea. The mouth of the river is divided into some arms and grows shallow. The Ural River had nine arms in 1821, in 1846 – only three: Yaitsky, Zolotinsky and Peretasknoe.

The pool of the Ural River takes the sixth place by the size among the rivers of Russia. It is 237 000 km ². The extent of the river is 2428 km. The water horizon is at absolute height of 635 m.

The Ural River is the place of a rest and a pride of Orenburg.



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