12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Старцева Ангелина Николаевна115

1. Fill in: shaking like a leaf /run away /heart began to beat faster/ turned into jelly. have butterflies in my stomach

1. As soon as I entered the dark room, my _________, I froze in horror.

2. I had a dream that I saw a monster, I wanted to ______, but my legs _______.

3. I always _________ when I perform in front of a lot of people.

4. Why are you _______ ? It's not cold outside at all.

2. Fill in: trouble / the law / hold on/ put/ rescue workers/ traced immediately

1. ______ the line, now we will _______ you through the emergency service you need.

2. _______ are already rushing to the scene of the accident, it may be possible to save the survivors.

3. - Let's make a false call!

- Are you OK? in that case, you will be ______! it's against _____.

4. I broke my mother's favorite vase. I think I'm in big _____.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. The company (be) more successful if it (spend) more money on advertising. (2)

2. If Rita (open) a boutique in the High Street, she (make) lots of money. (1)

3. If they (walk) 40 km, they (not be) exhausted now. (3)

4. The weather was hot while we were there. If only it (be) a bit cooler.

5. I wish I (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.

6. If I (be) you I (buy) a new car.

4. Fill in: up with/ back/ out of/ on/

1. Please keep your dog _______ the store, dogs are not allowed here.

2. Keep _____ the road, no one knows when the car appears…

3. I’ve already commented on your behavior , and you still keep_____ talking!

4. It's really hard for me to keep ______the housework while mom is in the hospital.

5. Change the form of the word and fill in the gaps: weak/ short/ sure/ wide

1. I don't know how I can _______   you that I didn't do it.

2. Please, ______ my trousers, they are too long for me.

3. It was Joan's first time in the circus, her eyes ______ noticeably.

4. Jack was able to _______ his enemy, but he was still on his feet.

6. Make up the phrases and fill in the gaps:








in good shape

1. Fizzy drinks can ______ digestive problems.

2. How do you manage to ______? You always eat junk food.

3. I'm ______ pollen, I always sneeze if I smell flowers.

4. Warm clothes will not _________ a cold in any way.

7. Choose the correct item.

1. This bar is low/poor/weak in fat.

2. There is no protein in your diet at all, this diet is poor/weak/bad and does not work for you.

3. Overeating is a sign of unhealthy eating customs/habits/manners.

4. You pass/lead/spend a really healthy lifestyle: you do sports and your eating habits are healthy/.

5. You spend/pass/lead a lot of money on junk food!


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