Предварительный просмотр презентации

Подготовка к впр Говорение: описание картинки Г. Тюмень, МАОУ гимназия №49, учитель английского языка Шостак Е.В.

Критерии оценки задания 2 Решение коммуникативной задачи: раскрыты все пункты плана, дано не менее 7 развернутых предложений 2 Организация текста: высказывание связно и логично, присутствуют средства логической связи 2 Лексико-грамматическая правильность речи: ошибки практически отсутствуют (не более 2 ошибок, которые не препятствуют коммуникации и пониманию речи) 2 Произносительная сторона речи: 1-2 фонетические ошибки, которые не препятствуют коммуникации и пониманию речи 8 Максимальное количество баллов за описание фотографии Editable presentation theme You can edit the master slides easily. For more info, click here На оценку «3» нужно набрать 13 баллов

Средства логической связи I'd like to describe the picture number... In the picture I can see... - I'd like to tell you about... It seems to me that ... In my opinion... I'm not sure, but ... - I may be wrong, but ... I like the picture, because ... it's bright/nice/ colouful/full of positive emotions. ...the atmosphere is calm and friendly. ... the scene is very attractive. That's all that I wanted to say. Вступление Выражение собственного мнения Завершение высказывания

План ответа - The place - The action (Present Continuous Tense) - The person’s appearance - Whether you like picture or not - Why

The place I’d like to describe the picture №1. 2) The picture shows a little girl near the window.

The action 3) The girl is looking at the pigeons (birds). 4) I think she is waiting for her mother.

5) The girl is young it seems to me she is 3 – 4 years old. 6) She has got a small nose, a small mouth, and small ears. 7) Her hair is short, straight and fair. 8) She is wearing a white long-sleeved blouse.

9) I like this picture, because it is full of positive emotions.

This can be the part of the presentation where you introduce yourself, write your email… Look at the picture and describe it.

The place I’d like to describe the picture №1. 2) The picture shows ____________in his _______________. a little boy room

The action 3)The boy is ___________________. 4) I think he is ______________________. lying on the carpet reading a book

The person’s appearance 5) This boy is ___________. 6) It seems to me he is __________. 7) He has got ________________ young 5 years old a small nose, a small mouth, dark eyes and glasses

The person’s appearance. 8) His hair is ____________________. 9) The boy is wearing __________________. short and dark a bright T-shirt

Whether you like the picture or not Why 10) I like this picture, because _________________. it is colourful

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