"Подростки и карманные деньги"

Материал опубликован 19 December 2020

Project on the topic:

Teenagers and pocket money

Project Manager: Sedunova Julia V.

Author of the project: Volodina Anastasia,

student of the 10th grade



Money in life... is a very interesting question and very difficult.

Historically, money originated for the convenience of settlements in trade. Gradually, they began to turn into an end in themselves. And now, no matter how we treat them, money plays an important role in a person's life. By themselves, they do not carry any evil or good. If money serves only as a means of payment, then it simply fulfills its function. But if money becomes not a means, but an end, then troubles begin. They are very often the subject of speculation, theft, robbery and other atrocities. It is money that has become the expression of material goods today. Now money is so firmly embedded in our reality that we do not even think about what they are? What is their role in a person's life if they are under 18?

Money plays a very important role in the life of a teenager. They determine the status of its position among peers, success. We constantly hear about money from parents and friends.

Most girls and boys in adolescence form ideas about the future; these ideas are more or less related to monetary relations. Many adolescents are defined by profession, I understand that in order to achieve the desired results and have a good, stable income, need to be qualified and you must have good knowledge.

70% of teenagers in Russia make purchases in online stores or pay for something via the Internet... Almost half have a bank card with which they pay for everything. I have pocket money, of course — like any teenager. My parents give me money, but I try to earn it myself whenever I can. Any teenager needs pocket money to buy something that he dreams of. Our parents help us with this, but we also try to save up somehow. Each of us wants a certain thing, for some it is a game console, for others it is a certain thing, and so on. Money for teenagers is an integral part of their lives. Children also save money that was given to them, for example, for their birthday, New Year and many other holidays, but also some of the teenagers combine work and study to achieve their goals. Also, according to the law, children from the age of 14 can dispose of their income and expenses without the consent of their parents.

Also, modern children are very early acquainted with the role of money in a person's life. They hear conversations about money at home, on TV, on the street. They understand early on that money allows you to know what you want, and they begin to strive for independent use of money. in fact, modern school children grew up in a market economy and, living in a world of price tags, not values, do not guess about any other system of human relations, except that which is measured by money. The times when the saying "happiness is not in money" prevailed have sunk into oblivion, now another one is relevant - «happiness is not in money, but in their quantity»

Conclusion my work has allowed me to draw the following conclusions: No civilized society can exist without money.

The problem of money and people's attitude to money has worried the minds of great people at all times, and most philosophers believe that money is only a means of a happy life, and not the goal itself, but money is very important in a person's life and especially highlight the problem of "competent" handling of money. The problem of pocket money is really relevant for most modern teenagers, but our European peers are more "advanced" in financial matters than we are and more well-off with money. Most teenagers have a low level of financial literacy, which does not give them the opportunity to both earn and freely and efficiently use the money that they have. To increase the level of financial literacy of adolescents based on special literature and their own trial and error, as well as by looking at this problem.

For me personally, pocket money is also important, but so far my parents and I also give it to me

I save the money that was given to me for the holidays. I believe that everyone needs money. Just everyone spends them on a certain dream, he goes to his goals. Naturally, now we are talking about the purposes for which money is needed.


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