Предварительный просмотр презентации

Modal verbs Урок систематизации полученных знаний

u [^] – must, mustn’t u [^] – must, mustn’t ou [υ] – should, shouldn’t a [ei] – may, may be i [ai] – might, might be a [ æ] – have to, has to

The aim of our lesson is The aim of our lesson is to learn to use modal verbs in our speech, talk about our duties, rules around us.

1. This film is …..,children mustn’t watch it. 2. The road is dangerous, we ….. cross it carefully. 3. I don’t like lemons, but I ….. eat it , because lemons are …..

Questions to the dialogue 1. Where does Tom invite Mary? 2. Will Mary go with Tom? 3. Why doesn’t Mary go with Tom? Where – куда Invite – приглашать Why - почему

The plan / card Greeting (приветсвие) Invitation (приглашение) Chores (обязанности) Arrangements (договоренность)

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