Презентация к уроку английского языка во 2 классе по теме «Модальный глагол Must»

Материал опубликован 24 February 2023

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Глагол must 2 класс

do homework

play football


listen to the teacher

clean the board

draw on the desk

talk on the mobile

drink cola

Подбери фразы к картинкам.

Drink Cola Talk on the mobile Play football Shout Draw on the desk Do homework Clean the board Listen to the teacher ОТВЕТЫ

I must do homework. We must clean the board. You must listen to the teacher. He mustn`t drink Cola. She mustn`t draw on the desk. Догадайся о значении выделенного слова.

Must – должен I must We must You must He must She must Must not (mustn`t)- нельзя

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